A Case Study of the Practice of the Subjective Approach for Senior High School Girls in the 'Karada-tsukuri Exercise' Classes Using Balance Ball

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 大阪教育大学紀要 第V部門 教科教育. 60(1):27-38
ISSN: 0389-3480
Popis: 運動経験に乏しく,上半身の体力が全国平均と比較すると低いと判断される附属高等学校池田校舎女子生徒を対象に,運動の楽しさを味わわせ主体的に運動に取り組ませるバランスボールを用いた「体つくり運動」の授業に取り組んだ。バランスボールは段階を踏んで達成感や成就感を味わいやすく,興味関心を引きつけやすい特性を有している。この特性を利用し,自分の体力に応じた課題に挑戦するグループによる課題解決学習を行った結果,体力だけでなく授業に対する好意的反応比率も高めるものであった。
The purpose of this case study was to examine an effect of the practice of the subjective approach for senior high school girls in the“ Karada-tsukuri Exercise" (Exercise for releasing body and mind; fitness training) classes using balance ball.Balance ball has the characteristic which is easy to attract interest of students and to make them taste a feeling of achievement and accomplishment. This experimental classes were held in the problem-solving learning method in which students tried to the tasks through the group learning.In conclusion this study suggested that the“ Karada-tsukuri Exercise" (Exercise for releasing body and mind; fitness training) classes using balance ball was effective for improving physical fitness and favorable attitude of senior high school girls.
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