〈THESIS〉Art Expression Study, 'Infantile Representational Drawings': Drawing Development during the Scribble Period

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 近畿大学九州短期大学研究紀要 = RESEARCH BULLETIN OF Kindai University Kyushu Junior College. 49:37-51
ISSN: 0916-4383
Popis: [Abstruct]Actual experience of drawing in the scribble period in the developmental history of an infant’s representational drawing behavior, which starts at age 0, can be said to be the most important period for a child, who develops through interactions with every aspect of the world through drawing, to develop rich expressions spontaneously and proceed with his or her developmental process at his or her own timing. Based on the analysis and reflection of drawings in the scribble period, this paper presents the importance and understanding of such drawings which everyone from an infant to an adult has experienced as well as one way of supporting rich drawing experience.[要約]0歳から開始される幼児表象画スクリブル期における描画の実体験は、描画を通しあらゆる領域と関わりながら発達を遂げる子どもにとって、豊かな表現を自発的に展開させ、自己のタイミングで発達過程を進めていくうえで最も重要な時期と言える。本論では、スクリブル期の描画分析と考察から、幼児から大人まで誰もが持ち合わせているこの描画活動の重要性と理解、豊かな描画体験支援のありかたを呈する。
著者主要担当科目:幼児と造形表現, 造形表現(指導法), 図画工作, 美術概論
Databáze: OpenAIRE