The Land System of Han 漢 Dynasty

Autor: Satake, Yasuhiko
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: 史林. 70(1):1-43
ISSN: 0386-9369
Popis: 筆者は別稿において、商鞅田制のいわゆる二百四十歩一畝制における一畝の実際の面積は、従来の百歩一畝の周制の三倍であるとする見解を提出した。本稿では、この見解と関逮して、漢代においてもこの二つの畝制が相変らずこの比率で換算されながら共存していたとする実証作業を前提に、漢初の十五分の一の率による田租の徴収は従来どうりに農罠の耕作地を対象に行なわれたものであるが、武帝期の三十分の一の率による田租の徴収は、これを農民の保有地対象に切り替えたものであると主張した。それは農業生産力の面から言えば、商鞅田制以来の耕地年一作化への動きの終着点であるとともに、田制の面から言えば、国家が個々の農民の耕地状況にまで立入って把握する従来の体制の放棄を意味していた。商鞅田制を起点とする祉会変化の基礎にあったのは、鉄製手労動農具による農法の普及であったが、最終章ではこれと異質なものとして展開した鉄犁牛耕農法の展開の起点としての代田法を検討し、そこでも少くとも出発点においては、旧畝制がその農法の基礎にあったこと、具体的にいえぼ、従来新制五頃の地とされていた代田農法の耕区は、旧制五頃の地を単位とする耕区三つに相当していたことを論証した。
In my another paper, I provided the view that real size of 1 mu 畝 in the land system of Shang yang 商鞅 in which 1 mu was equal to 240 bu 歩, was three times the size of the one in the old system of Chou 周, in which 1 mu was equal to 100 bu. In connection with this viewpoint, assuming that these two systems of the mu were converted at the same rate as before and that they coexisted, I maintained that the imposition on the land tax at the rate of one fifteenth during the Former Han was imposed on the plowland of farmers, but the tax at the rate of one thirtieth under the rule of Wu di 武帝 was imposed upon all the lands that farmers owned. The latter implies, from the viewpoint of agricultural production capacity, the last step of the move to an annual singlecropping systern, and from the viewpoint of the land tenure system, the abandonment of the old system in which the state held a grasp of the conditions of each farmers' lands. The basis of social change which began with the land system of Shang yang, was the spread of farming with iron hand farm implements. In the last chapter, we examine the system of Dai tian 代田 as the starting point of the development of farming with the iron plow pulled by oxen, which was a new departure. And it was demonstrated that at least at the starting point, the old system of mu was the basis of this way of farming. In particular, the farming unit of the system of Dai tian, which was thought equal to the area of 5 qing 頃 in the new system as before, was really equal to three farming units of 5 qing in the old system.
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