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本稿では、栄養教諭が考えている食に関する指導上の課題について、3つの研究課題を設定して検証した。研究対象は、2019年度に北海道の小・中学校に勤務する栄養教諭394名であり、郵送法により質問紙調査に回答した58名が調査対象となった(回答率は14.7%)。研究方法は、アンケート調査の結果について、クロス集計や多重比較で統計解析した。また、栄養教諭が考える課題の解決策と「総合的な学習の時間」における食に関する指導の展開例の検討は、文部科学省、農林水産省、北海道教育委員会の資料を活用して考察した。1つ目の課題である「栄養教諭の「食に関する指導に関わる事項の自己評価」と、「多様な業務を背景とした時間不足が主たる要因となって、指導における内容や技術・方法についての課題がある」の関係はどの程度あるか。」であるが、両者の明確な関係性は見出せなかったが、時間不足が要因となって、6割の栄養教諭が「食に関する指導時間の確保」に苦労していることが分かった。2つ目の課題である「多様な業務や時間不足が主たる要因となった、食に関する指導における「指導内容」や「指導技術・方法」の課題についての解決策は何か」であるが、まず、多様性について考察し、栄養教諭の職務上、今後ますます多様性が重要となることが分かった。また、多忙化(時間不足)については、現在、文部科学省を中心として「長時間勤務」の解消について検討されており、その解消について今後に期待したいと考えた。そして、「指導内容」や「指導技術・方法」についての実践力を向上させるための「研修」の充実については、北海道教育委員会の資料を中心に考察した。3つ目の課題である「栄養教諭に必要な資質・能力を高める教職課程の「「総合的な学習の時間」指導論」における授業改善の視点は何か」であるが、栄養教諭の課題解決の視点を含めた改善例を提案した。In this study, a survey with three major research themes was conducted to collect ideas and opinions of nutrition teachers about issues in food and nutrition education. The research target comprised of 394 nutrition teachers employed at elementary or middle schools in Hokkaido during 2019. Fifty-eight teachers responded to a paper version of the survey administered by mail (a reply percentage of 14.7%). The data were analyzed using statistical procedures including cross-tabulation and multiple comparisons. Additionally, solutions to problems reported by nutrition teachers as well as examples of strategies for food and nutrition education to use in “Comprehensive Learning Time” activities were generated with reference to guidelines from sources such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Hokkaido Prefectural Board of Education.Responses to the first research question (“To what degree are your responses to Self-evaluation for items relating to food and nutrition education and The main cause of issues relating to the content, techniques, and methods used in instruction is the lack of time caused by performing of a variety of other duties related to any problems you experience?”) did not reveal a clear association between these two areas. Yet 60% of nutrition teachers had difficulty managing sufficient time to prepare lessons for food and nutrition education.Replies to the second research question (“For problems relating to the contents, techniques, and methods used in food and nutrition education that are caused by lack of time and performing a variety of other duties, how can these issues be resolved?”) revealed that it will be increasingly important to consider the variety and number of duties performed by nutrition teachers.In addition, with regard to the issue of overwork (lack of time), we hope that the current research being conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on long working hours will generate solutions. Furthermore, methods to train nutrition teachers in order to improve quality of contents, techniques, and methods used in instruction were examined with reference to guidelines from the Hokkaido Prefectural Board of Education.Based on replies to the third research question (“What strategies could be implemented in the Teaching Methods for Comprehensive Learning Time used in teacher-training courses to support nutrition teachers’ development of high levels of skill and ability?”), we proposed an example to improve the content of such courses that incorporates solutions suggested by nutrition teachers. |