Preventive measures for infection of pediatric infectious diseases by nursing students (The 1st issue) : From a survey of an educational institution of nursing science in A Prefecture

Autor: KOSAKA, Nobuko, OOTKA, Emi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 日本赤十字秋田短期大学紀要. (12):55-60
ISSN: 1343-0033
Popis: A県内看護教育機関7校を対象に、小児期感染症(麻疹、風疹、水痘、流行性耳下腺炎)の感染予防対策の現状を把握した結果、以下のことが明らかになった。1)抗体価検査は4種全てを「実施している」機関は3校あった。それらは1年次生に入学後に実施しており、経費負担は様々であった。2)既往歴の聴取は4種を4校が、予防接種歴の聴取は5校が実施していた。3)抗体価検査・既往歴の聴取・予防接種歴の聴取を行っていない機関が1校あった。4)学生への啓発活動は「入学時オリエンテーションでの説明」3校、「学内掲示板への掲示」2校あり、その他実習オリエンテーションや関連する講義で行っていた。今後、1年次早期に感染予防教育の一環として感染予防の意義や副反応対策までの具体的な説明の必要性が示唆された。
I conducted a survey to understand the status quo for preventive measures of infection of pediatric infectious diseases (measles, rubella, chickenpox and mumps) among 7 educational institutions of nursing science within Prefecture, and found the following results. 1) 3 institutions performed all 4 types of the Serum Antibody Titer Tests. They were implemented soon after the entrance of freshmen, students with the ratio of cost shared by the institutions and the students different from each other. 2) 4 institutions learned their the anamnestic history of 4 types, and 5 institutions conducted the taking of vaccination history. 3) 1 institution did not conduct any taking of the Serum Antibody Titer Tests, anamnestic history or vaccination history. 4) As educational activities for students, 3 institutions conducted the educational activities during the explanation for the new students' orientation, 2 institutions posted the educational activities on bulletin boards within the facilities, and other institutions conducted the educational actitivities during the intern's orientation and related lectures. It is advised to give specific explanation ranging from the meaning for prevention of infectious diseases to measures for side effect reactions during the early stages of the student's freshmen year as preventive education for infectious diseases.
Databáze: OpenAIRE