Clinical statistics on patients and operations during a 20-year period (1978-1997) at Department of Urology, Jikei University School of Medicine

Autor: IKEMOTO, Isao, OHISHI, Yukihiko, ONODERA, Shouichi, OHNISHI, Tetsuro, YAMAZAKI, Haruki, KISHIMOTO, Kouichi, KIYOTA, Hiroshi, WADA, Tetsuro, GOTO, Hirokazu, FURUTA, Nozomu, IGARASHI, Hiroshi, SUZUKI, Yasuyuki, HASEGAWA, Norio, ASANO, Kouji, MACHIDA, Toyohei
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 46(7):513-518
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 東京慈恵会医科大学泌尿器科における最近20年間の外来, 入院, 手術統計を報告した.1)感染症は20年間で減少傾向を示した.しかし, 罹病数が減少したこと以外に, 大学病院としての位置付けが一般に理解が進んだためも影響していると考えられた.2)尿路結石症例では体外衝撃波療法が治療内容の変化に大きな変化をもたらした.3)泌尿器科悪性腫瘍は精巣腫瘍以外いずれも増加したが, 特に腎細胞と前立腺癌の増加が顕著であった
A statistical analysis was made of diseases, patients, and operations at our department in the four affiliated hospitals of Jikei University School of Medicine from 1978 through 1997. Our findings were as follows. Newly diagnosed urogenital malignancies, except testicular tumors, have been increasing in the last two decades among both outpatients and inpatients. Urogenital infections, including tuberculosis, have gradually been decreasing in the last two decades. The treatment of urinary stone diseases was markedly altered by the induction of extracorponeal shock wave lithotripsy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE