A Case of Primary Accessory Breast Cancer in a Male

Autor: Nagaoka, Hiroshi, Takahashi, Tooru, Sugitani, Kazuhiro, Nakagami, Katunao, Kim, Yuji, Yoshida, Yutaka, Ooki, Uki, Endo, Keiichi, Kamatsuda, Masaki, Shimokata, Naomi, Takahashi, Kozue, Oota, Yasunori
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学. 64(2):165-170
ISSN: 1343-2826
Popis: 症例は64歳, 男性. 2011年10月より右腋窩の腫瘤を自覚するも経過を見ていた. 2012年8月より腫瘤の急速な増大と出血,疼痛が出現し11月当院を受診した.視触診にて右腋窩に13×13cm大の弾性硬,易出血性の腫瘤を認めた. 針生検にて異型性の強い腫瘍細胞が胞巣状に増殖し, 一部に腺管構造を形成する低分化腺癌を認めた.免疫組織染色では,ER,PgR が陽性,Her2,CK5/6,CEA,EGFR が陰性の腫瘍で潜在性乳癌のリンパ節転移もしくは副乳癌の可能性が最も考えられた.手術は胸筋温存乳房切除(Bt+Ax+Ic)+遊離皮膚移植術を施行した. 病理診断では充実腺管癌を主体とする低分化腺癌で, 腫瘤と固有乳腺に連続性は無く, また固有乳腺に病変を認めないことから副乳癌と診断した. 術後補助化学療法としてFEC100療法を4回, タキソール毎週療法を12回施行し, 現在タモキシフェン投与にて外来経過観察中である.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:165~170)
We herein report on a very rare case of primary accessory breast carcinoma in the axilla of a male. A 64-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for treatment of an axillary tumor,measuring 13×13×11 cm in the right axillary area. Core needle biopsy revealed invasive adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemical findings for tumor cells were positive for both ER and PgR positive and Her 2,CK5/6,CEA, EGFR were negative. CT,MRI and FDG-PET/CT examinations showed neither tumors in any other organ nor apparent lymph node swelling in the right axillary area. We suspected an accessory breast cancer or lymph node involvement from occult breast cancer. The patient underwent a mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection. Phathological findings of the resected mass was a low grade adenocarcinoma with tubular formation. After surgery, FEC100×4 and weekly pacritaxel×12 followed by tamoxifen was performed as adjuvant therapy. There has been no evidence of recurrence for 8 months after the surgery.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:165~170)
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