Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Minor Constituents in the Urban Area and Its Surrounding Region(IV)-Climatic Features of Ozone and Atmospheric Methane near the Ground

Autor: IWASHIMA, Tatsuya, MURAMATSU, Hisafumi, FUKUYAMA, Kaoru, MORIYAMA, Shigeru
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 京都大学防災研究所年報. B. 47:327-338
ISSN: 0386-412X
Popis: 都市域と周辺における地表付近のオゾン及び大気メタン濃度の観測・解析結果を示す。第1部では,防災研究所屋上(宇治市)と理学部地球物理学教室北花山分室(京都市山科区)で約15年間観測してきた地表オゾン濃度データを解析して,日変化・季節変化・年々変化にみられる特徴を述べた。第2部では,琵琶湖周辺における大気メタン及び一酸化炭素・気象観測データを解析して,メタン濃度の日変化・季節変化にみられる特徴を示した。最後に,欧州の諸都市における大気メタン濃度観測を解析して,都市中心部と近郊との濃度差が都市規模に依存しており,人口や都市の大きさなどのパラメータを用いて1次式で整理できることを示した。
Analyses of the long-term data of concentration of O3 and CH4 in the cities and their surrounding area are performed. Firstly we analyzed the O3 data observed at Uji(DPRI) and Kitakazan(BGFS, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto) during the years 1990(1992)-2003: we described several climatic features of diurnal and annualchanges, and the increasing long-term trend of ozone at Kitakazan with statistical significance. Secondly, we closely examined the hourly data of CH4 at several observational sites in the circumference of Lake Biwa, and described characteristic features of seasonal variation of the atmospheric methane, I.e. the two types ofseasonal variation with a maximum in summer and two maxima in summer and winter. Finally wecompared the difference in the concentration of methane at central part of several large cities and theirsuburbs in Europe with the population and size of the cities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE