Condition of Contact Register Usage in Rehabilitation Facilities

Autor: KITAMURA, Aiko, OKUBO, Hiromi, TANABE, Chinatsu, SASHIKA, Takako, IIMURO, Misako, Kitamura, Aiko, Okubo, Hiromi, Tanabe, Chinatsu, Sashika, Takako, Iimuro, Misako
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 紀要 = Bulletin of Yamanashi Junior College of Nursing. 9(1):89-102
ISSN: 1342-0097
Popis: 発達障害児の看護は、子どもの持てる力を十分に伸ばし、できるだけその人らしく日常生活が営めるように援助することである。そのためには、子どもにとって存在の大きい家族と看護師との連携を密にすることが必要である。しかし、長期入所児は家族との連携がややもすると困難になる。家族との連携の一手段として連絡帳を活用しているが、看護師は連絡帳に書くこと自体に負担を感じたり、親からの返事がなく一方通行的な感じを受けることがあり、果たして有効に活用できているかという疑問を抱いている。 連絡帳の活用については、いくつかの報告が見られるが、いずれも成人・老年を対象とした1事例の分析やアンケート調査からの報告である。記載内容そのものの分析から連絡帳の機能を考察した報告はない。 そこで、療育の場における看護師と家族(親)の間で交換される連絡帳の記載内容を分析し、連絡帳のもつ機能について考察した。 分析の結果、看護師から家族へは、「受け持ち看護師としての挨拶」「子どもの体調と健康管理」「施設の生活への適応状況」「施設・学校での行事と子どもの様子」「子どもと母親の体験に対する共感・受容」「子どもの成長発達に向けての母親への援助」「期待する子ども像と看護師の姿勢と関わり」「家族との連携への働きかけ」の8カテゴリーが抽出できた。家族から看護師へは、「看護師に対する感謝の気持ちと依頼」「外泊中の子どもの健康管理」「外泊中の家族関係の状況と母親としての思い」「母親が捉えた子どもの変化と母親の気づき・思い」「母親が捉えた子どもにとっての外泊の意味」「母親が捉えた子ども同士の関係における我が子の気持ち」「子どもの将来に向けての母親の育児方針・育児観」「外泊に向けての連絡事項」「施設との連携への働きかけ」の9カテゴリーが抽出できた。連絡帳は、看護師と家族(母親)の情報交換、コミュニケーションとしての機能を果たしており、家族と看護師の関係性を深め、より子どもの個別性を考慮したケアの継続性に役立っていることが確認できた。
The nursing of children with developmental disabilities thorough promotion of the children's own abilities and the provision of support in such a way that these children can-to the highest possible degree-live their lives in a proper and natural fashion. In order to achieve this, it is crucial that close contact be maintained between the children and their families and nurses, both of whom are of extreme importance to the children. Nevertheless, it is not easy for long-term patients to make continuous efforts in this regard. Although contact registers are used as a means of promoting such contact with families, the actual filling in of these registers can often be viewed as an inconvenience by nurses, and when no reply is received from the families, it often seems as if communication is taking place in one direction only. It is not surprising, therefore, that questions have been asked regarding the effectiveness of these registers' implementation. Although a number of reports dealing with the use of contact registers had previously been issued, these reports all referred to a single case of analysis and questionnaire investigation targeted at adults and the elderly. Furthermore, no reports had analyzed the actual content of these registers in the evaluation of their capabilities. In light of this situation, therefore, the authors studied said capabilities through analysis of the content of contact registers that are exchanged between nursing staff and parents or other family members at rehabilitation facilities. As a result of these studies, eight functional categories were indentified for contact registers in terms of nurses activities with respect to the family-namely, initial greetings by the nurse with responsibility for the contact register;management of the child's health and physical condition; state of adaptability to daily life at the rehabilitation facility; facility and school eventsn and the child's general condition; sympathetic understanding of past experiences of the child and mother; support for the mother in terms of the child's developmental disorder; relationship between the accepted image of the child and the nurses' approach; and approach to cooperation with families. Furthermore, nine categories were identified in terms of the family' activities with respect to nurses-namely, appreciation for, and confidence in, nurses' activities; management of the child's health when staying outside the rehabilitation facility; family relationships and their effect on the child when staying outside the rehabilitation facility; mother's perception of changes in the child, concerns, and opinions; mother's view of the importance to the child of staying outside the refabilitation facility; mother's perception of her own child's feelings with regard to interaction with other children; mother's plans and feelings regarding rearing of the child for his or her future; communication points aimed at staying outside the rehabilitation facility; and approach to cooperation with the rehabilitation facility. In this, it was confirmed that contact registers serve as an effective means for the exchange of information and communication between nursing staff and parents or other family members, they enhance the relationships between families and nurses, and they promote sustainable care that is better suited to the individual needs of each child.
Databáze: OpenAIRE