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本研究の目的は,準安定オーステナイトステンレス鋼SUS304の引張試験中のひずみ誘起マルテンサイト変態(SIMT)に伴う非線形音響特性・磁気特性の変化と局所方位差の相関関係を明らかにすることである.ここでは,電磁超音波共鳴(EMAR)を用いた2つの非線形音響特性:共鳴周波数の振幅依存性と高調波成分の振幅, 及び磁気ヒステリシスループより磁気特性を測定した.また,電子後方散乱回折(EBSD)を用いて,微細構造の変化を観察した.EMARは,非接触で超音波を送受信できる電磁超音波探触子(EMAT)に超音波共鳴法を適用した方法である.この方法は,測定試料の超音波減衰を正確に測定できるだけではなく,試料と音波探触子の間の非線形音響効果がないという特長を有する.本研究では,丸棒の円周方向に沿って軸方向に偏向するせん断波を送受信する2種類の軸対称SH波EMATを,強磁性体と常磁性体に対して使用した.非線形音響特性および磁気特性の変化は, 微細構造観察と良い相関があった.また,これらの特性は,準安定なオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼のSIMT挙動を捉えることに成功した.We studied the correlation between the evolutions of non-linear acoustic and magnetic properties and local misorientationmisorientation on strain-induced martensitic transformation (SIMT) behavior in SUS 304 metastableaustenitic stainless steel during tensile test. Two nonlinear acoustic characterizations; resonant frequency shift and high harmonic components with electromagnetic acoustic resonance (EMAR), parameters in magnetic hysteresis loops were measured. Furthermore, the evolution of microstructure was observed with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was examined. EMAR is a contactless resonant method with an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT). This method enables not only to measure exact ultrasonic attenuation of measured sample but also to eliminate nonlinear acoustic effect between the sample and transducer. We used two type of axial SH wave EMATs, which transmit and receive axially polarized shear wave along a cylindrical surface of a circular rod, for ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials. The changes in non-linear acoustic and magnetic properties have good correlations with microstructural observations.They successfully capture SIMT behavior in a metastable austenitic stainless steel. |