
Autor: Kamiji, Yoshiaki, Yuta Suzuki, Tetsuo Sakuratani
Jazyk: japonština
Popis: 本研究は1/5000aワグネルポットに円形20株密植栽培した日本晴,コシヒカリおよびタカナリの水稲3品種について,総葉数の異なる主稈の出穂日,穂長,葉身長,葉鞘長および節間長を比較検討したもので,2009年に東京農業大学世田谷キャンパス網室で行った。3品種ともに主稈葉数に1枚の差が生じる標準型と減葉型の異なる生育型が発現した。標準型および減葉型の出現比率は試験区により変動し,コシヒカリおよび日本晴では標準型の集中する傾向にあったが,タカナリは2つの生育型に分かれる傾向にあった。タカナリではこの2つの生育型の形質間には有意な差がみられ,減葉型は標準型に比べ,出穂日はほとんど変わらなかったが,上位葉身が長く,下位節間が短い傾向を示した。また,窒素追肥および稈基部遮光が器官伸長に及ぼす影響を3品種の標準型および減葉型について検討したところ,幼穂発育期前半の窒素追肥は上位葉身長や上位節間長を高める傾向にあり,幼穂発育期間を通じた窒素追肥や稈基部遮光処理は下位節間を伸長させた。これらの影響は品種間および生育型間では大きな差が認められなかったことから,下位節間に着目した水稲の形態的制御を行う場合には,生育型を厳密に分ける必要性がないことが示唆された。
We conducted pot experiments using three rice cultivars, Nipponbare, Koshihikari and Takanari in the net house at Setagaya Campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture in 2009. Twenty plants per pot were circular-dense-transplanted, and harvested at maturity to investigate the total leaf number on the main culms, and the lengths of panicle, leaf blades, leaf sheaths and internodes. We also researched the heading time, and the effects of nitrogen top-dressing and shading in the base of culms during the panicle development stage on the lengths of organs. Two types of the total leaf number on the main culms were confirmed. One was the standard type, and the other was the less-leaf type. Most of the culms were standard type in Nipponbare, and Koshihikari, but the culms of Takanari was divided into two types. There were clear differences in characteristics between the standard type and the less-leaf type, especially in Takanari. Less-leaf type culms tended to be longer in upper leaves and shorter in lower internodes than standard type culms. However, the effects of nitrogen top-dressing and shading on lengths of organs were likely to be roughly constant through cultivars or leaf number types. These results suggest that we need not control internode elongation with the consideration of leaf number types.
Databáze: OpenAIRE