Relationship between lifestyle-related diseases and fatty liver disease in men

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 名古屋学芸大学健康・栄養研究所年報 = Annual Report of Institute of Health and Nutrition Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences. 12:17-31
ISSN: 1882-1820
Popis: 【目的】わが国の成人男性の肥満人口はこの20年間で約1.5倍に増加し、40歳以上の男性の約30%が肥満である。肥満者では高頻度に脂肪肝を伴い、肥満は非飲酒者における肝障害の約80%に合併していることが報告されている。脂肪肝の主な成因はアルコールと肥満であるが、非肥満者における脂肪肝の発症に関する調査報告については十分とは言えない。今回は、男性脂肪肝患者の肥満度、生活習慣病の有無、食事調査などを基に脂肪肝のリスク因子について検討した。【方法】2016年に某企業(土木建築業)の職域健診において身体計測、血液生化学検査、問診票による生活習慣調査を行い、さらに、食事調査として食物摂取頻度調査(FFQ)の実施に同意の得られた男性642名(中央値47歳、29~69歳)を解析の対象とした。脂肪肝の診断は腹部超音波検査により行った。BMI=25、ウエスト周囲長(WC)=85cm をカットオフ値として、正常群(BMI
In the present study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between lifestyle-related diseases and fatty liver diseases in men. We investigated anthropometric parameters, blood tests and nutrient intake in 642 male subjects in medical check-up in 2016. Fatty liver was diagnosed by ultrasonography in 223 subjects (35%). Intake of nutrients and food groups was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Fatty liver diseases were observed in 152 of 249 obese subjects (61%), and in 71 of 393 in non-obese subjects (18%). Also, fatty liver diseases were observed in 175 of 301 subjects with visceral fat deposit (58%), and in 48 of 341 subjects without visceral fat deposit (14%). In subjects with fatty liver diseases, frequencies of obesity, visceral fat deposit, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia were higher than in subjects without fatty liver diseases. Amount of alcoholic intake was not different between subjects with and without fatty liver subjects. Among the risk factors of metabolic syndrome, BMI, waist perimeter, serum triglyceride and serum hemoglobin A1c significantly associated with fatty liver diseases was in logistic regression analysis. Daily total intake of calories, nutrients and food group were not different between subjects with and without fatty liver diseases. FIB4 index was not different between subjects with and without fatty liver diseases, but significantly related with daily alcoholic intake in subjects with fatty liver diseases. Fatty liver was significantly associated with an increase in the risk factors for metabolic syndrome.
Databáze: OpenAIRE