特別支援教育における実態把握の方法及び内容について ──通級による指導を通して──

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 広島文化学園短期大学紀要. 50:27-39
ISSN: 1884-6769
Popis: In this study, the author summarized and analyzed the following issues: special needs education, special support services in resource rooms, the way and content about assessment of the pupils with retarded speech development. In special needs education, it is important to grasp the educational needs of pupils with disabilities. One of the educational forms of special needs education is special support services in resource rooms. In the classes, the pupils, who usually take the ordinarily classes, can take different classes which are designed to meet their specific needs. In order to implement the classes, teachers should grasp the pupils’ requirements based on the accurate diagnosis and take into consideration the opinions of the institutions, the parents and the pupils. Assessment should be most emphasized in special needs education.
Databáze: OpenAIRE