Relationships between risk sensitivity of nurses and nursing practice ability/clinical experience : Comparison using a nursing practice ability scale

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: 国立病院機構長崎医療センター医学雑誌. 14(1):32-39
ISSN: 1880-330X
Popis: 本研究ではリスク感性が高い看護師の看護実践能力や臨床での経験からの学びについての関連性を明らかにすることを目的とした平成22年l月~2月に病棟看護師422名(看護師長以上を除く)を対象に真下(2009)が開発した「看護実践能力尺度」と属性(年齢・看護師経験年数・教育背景・現在の職場経験年数・部署での役割)と看護師としての知識・技術・考え方を身につける上で印象に残る職務上の経験とそれからの学びについて調査した回収数349名(回収率82.7%).有効回答率242名(69.3%). 年齢31.7歳(SD±9.l),看護師経験年数9.8年(SD±8.8),職場経験3.5歳(SD主3.2),男性13名(5.4%),女性229名(94.6%)だ、った項目別に「リスク感性」と比較すると「基本的看護ケアJ(r = 0.79)「個別性に合わせた看護過程の展開J(r = 0.74)はきわめて強い正の相関を示したが,「役割遂行J(r = 0.61)「医療依存度が高い看護ケアJ(r = 0.58)とはやや強い正の相関を示した年齢・経験年数・役割経験による比較では差は無かった職務上での経験内容は[自己学習][他者(医療者)からの学び}[患者ケア}{失敗経験]に分類された「リスク感性Jの点数が平均(3.2)より高い看護師96人中.職務上での経験内容を記載した人50名の中で「経験からの内省化と教訓を概念化した事例jを記載した「状況の中で直感的に問題を見つけて対応した事例」や「経験後.行動変容を起こした内容]を記載した人は7 名(1~%)で.平均より低い点数で記載していた人は77 名中6 名(7.8%)だった.「リスク感性」が高い看護師と看護実践能力との関連性はありJ特に「基本的看護ケア」と「看護過程の展開」がきわめて高い.「リスク感性」は看護師の年齢や経験年数を重ねるだけでは高まらない.日頃の看護ケアから「経験からの内省化と教訓の概念化Jすることが「リスク感性Jを高める為には重要であることが示唆された.
The purpose of this study was to identify relationships between the risk sensitivity of nurses and nursing practice ability/learning from clinical experience. Between January and February 2010, the study investigated basic attributes (age, years of nursing experience, educational background, years of nursing experience at the present hospital, types of nursing job), vocational experience that left the biggest impression in acquiring knowledge, skills, and values, and its learning involving 422 ward nurses (excluding nurses holding any positions higher than manager) using a nursing practice ability scale. Of the 349 responses collected (response rate: 82.7%), 242 responses (13 male (5.4%) and 229 female (94.6%)) were considered valid (69.3%). Their basic attributes were as follows: mean age: 31.7 years old (SD±9.l), mean years of nursing experience: 9.8 years (SD±8.8), and mean years of nursing experience at the present hospital: 3.5 years (SD士3.2). On comparing the data and risk sensitivity, a very strong positive correlation was observed in "basic nursing care" (r=0.79) and "expansion of nursing practice based on patient's individuality" (r=0.74); whereas, a reasonably strong positive correlation was observed in "role performance" (r=0.61) and "nursing care for patients requiring intensive medical treatment" (r=0.58). No significant difference was observed in age, nursing experience, and years of nursing experience at the present hospital. The subjects vocational experience was categorized into the following: self-study" "learning from others (medical treatment person)", "patient caring", and "experience of failure". Of the 96 subjects who scored above average (3.2) regarding "risk sensitivity", 50 subjects stated their vocational experience. Of the 50 subjects, 7 (14%) described "introspection from experience and lesson are made concept"; whereas, only 6 (7.8%) of the 77 who scored below average stated their vocational experience. "Risk sensitivity" has the relevance of a high nurse and nursing practice capability, and "a fundamental nursing care" and "deployment of a nursing process" are very high especially. "Risk sensitivity" does not increase only by piling up a nurse's age and years of experience. The important thing was suggested in order for introspection-izing from experience and conceptualizing of teachings from a daily nursing care to improve risk sensitivity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE