Particle-in-cell simulations for ion propulsion applications

Autor: Wang, Joseph
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: 宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料: 宇宙航空研究開発機構 情報・計算工学センター 衛星環境プラズマ数値シミュレーションワークショップ報告書 = JAXA Special Publication: JAXA/JEDI Workshop on Numerical Plasma Simulation for Spacecraft Environment. :1-27
ISSN: 1349-113X
Popis: This paper presents an overview on some recent advances in particle simulation modeling of ion propulsion. We first discuss two new particle simulation algorithms designed to handle complex boundary conditions accurately while maintaining the computational speed of the standard PIC code. The first is the parallel, three-dimensional Immersed-Finite-Element Particle-In-Cell (IFE-PIC) algorithm. Domain decomposition is used in both field solve and particle push to divide the computation among processors. It is shown that the parallel IFE-PIC achieves a high parallel efficiency of more than 90 percent. The second is the Hybrid-Grid IFE-PIC (HG-IFE-PIC) algorithm, extended from IFE-PIC to further reduce the computation time and memory requirement for simulations involving non-uniform plasmas. In HG-IFE-PIC, the meshes used by the IFE field solve and PIC are decoupled and the IFE mesh is stretched according to local potential gradient and plasma density. It is shown that the HG-IFE-PIC can achieve approximately the same accuracy as IFE-PIC. Both the parallel IFE-PIC and HG-IFE-PIC are applied for ion thruster plume modeling and ion optics plasma flow modeling. We next present two simulation studies. The first concerns multiple ion thruster plume interactions for a realistic spacecraft and plume contamination on solar array. The second concerns the simulation of whole sub-scale ion optics gridlet and accelerator grid impingement current. Finally, we present an ongoing research on the development of simulation based design tool. The unsolved issues and future directions in ion propulsion modeling are also discussed.
資料番号: AA0063157001
レポート番号: JAXA-SP-06-014
Databáze: OpenAIRE