[原著]急速に聴力低下を来たした聴神経 腫瘍の一症例

Autor: Kusumi, Akira, Genka, Tomohiro, Kiyuna, Chikako, Noda, Yutaka
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: 琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine. 3(4):365-371
ISSN: 0285-9270
Popis: We experienced recently a case of acoustic neurinoma with a rapid decline of hearing. The pure tone audiogram showed at first a normal hearing on the tumor side, but the another side showed a high frequency hearing loss. Three months later, the tumor side showed a high frequency hearing loss. This case was diagnosed by our neuro-otological analyses to be an acoustic tumor and comfirmed by a X-ray and a CT scan, and endly by a surgical operation, to be a large tumor occupying the cerebellopontine angle. The neuro-otological findings of this case were presented and discussed in the light of available literatures. The audiogram pattern of acoustic neurinomas is widely varied, therefore, we should not simply deny an acoustic tumor only with an audiogram pattern, and have always to suspect of it at the examination of hearing loss.
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