Epidemiological study of risk factors for bladder cancer

Autor: Nakata, Seiji, Sato, Jin, Ohtake, Nobuaki, Imai, Kyoichi, Yamanaka, Hidetoshi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 41(12):969-977
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 男の膀胱癌患者, 対照それぞれ303人に対して患者-対照研究を行った. 1)喫煙歴なしに対して, 喫煙歴があり, 1日の喫煙量が多いほど, 喫煙年数が長いほど, Brinkman indexが高いほど, 喫煙開始年齢が低いほど, 又, より深く吸うほど有意にオッズ比(O.R.)が高くなる傾向がみられた.膀胱炎, 前立腺肥大症の既往又は合併ありのO.R.も有意に高かったが, これらはバイアスによるものであると考えられた. 2)販売従事者である, 血液型がO型, 牛乳をよく摂取, 米・麦をよく摂取, 野菜をよく摂取, 高血圧の既往又は合併ありでは, 有意に年齢調整及び喫煙調整O.R.が低かった. 3)患者と対照で, 特に喫煙と関係が深いといわれている肺癌, 喉頭癌, 膀胱癌の家族歴ありと答えた人の数は, 肺癌16人, 8人, 喉頭癌3人, 0人, 膀胱癌6人, 3人であった
A case-control study was conducted on 303 male bladder cancer patients and controls. General population controls were chosen from 15 areas in Gunma Prefecture and were matched by age (+/- l y.o.) to the subjects. Age-adjusted and smoking-adjusted odds ratio (O.R.) and a 95% confidence interval (C.I.) were calculated for each item. Risk factors for bladder cancer in men were investigated. The O.R. tended to be significantly higher for those who had history of smoking, who smoked more per day, who had smoked longer, whose Brinkman index was higher, who began smoking younger and who inhaled deeper than it was for non-smokers. O.R.s of having a past history or complication of cystitis (age-adjusted) and benign prostatic hypertrophy (age- and smoking-adjusted) were significantly higher, but the difference was supposed to be caused by bias. There was a significantly lower age- and smoking-adjusted O.R. for bladder cancer in men who engaged in sales, whose blood type was O, who drank milk frequently, who ate grains frequently, who age vegetables frequently and who had a past history or complication of hypertension. The number of cases and controls with first degree family members who developed cancer respectively supposed to be highly related to smoking, were as follows; 16 and 8 for lung cancer, 3 and 0 for larynx cancer and 6 and 3 for bladder cancer. The following characteristics failed to show any significant difference between subjects with bladder cancer and the control group; height and weight now and 20 years ago, jobs which deal with dye, academic career, marriage, number of children, alcohol drinking and the use of hair dye or analgesics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE