The Directionality of Fatigue Properties and the Texture in Aluminum Sheet

Autor: KOHARA, Shiro, MUTO, Norio
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1974
Zdroj: 東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告. 10(2_B):318-327
ISSN: 0563-8100
Popis: 3種類の異なった材質,すなわち,硬質(H材),半硬質(1/2H材),性質(O材),のアルミニウム板材の疲労特性について研究を行った.疲労試験は,平板試験行を用い,行振り特定で行った.試験行は,板材の圧延方向,横方沈 45°方向の3つの方向にそぞれれ平行になるように切出した.板材の極点図は,X線ディフラクトメーターによって決定した.硬質打と半硬質材の場合は,横方向の試験片の疲労強さか最も強かったが,性資材の場合は45°方向の試験片が最も強かった.観察された疲労強さの差は,板材の集合組織と開運があった.金屑の板材の疲労作比の異方性は,その集合組織の活動辷り系の挙動によって説明できることを明らかにした.
The fatigue properties of aluminum sheets in three different temper conditions, that is, full hard (H), half hard (1/2H), and soft (O), were investigated. The fatigue test was carried out using a sheet specimen stressed in repeated tensile load. The specimens were cut from the sheets in three different ways; parallel to the rolling direction, to the transverse direction, and to the 45° direction. The pole figures of the sheets were determined with an X-ray diffractometer. The specimen in the transverse direction showed the highest fatigue strength for the full hard and the half hard sheet, but the specimen in the 45° direction was the highest for the soft sheet. The observed differences between fatigue properties were related to the texture of the sheet. It was shown that the directionality of fatigue properties in sheet metals could be explained in terms of the behaviour of active slip systems in textured materials.
資料番号: SA0124392000
Databáze: OpenAIRE