Comparison of physical conditions and lifestyles between adults and the elderly in the suburbs of Vientiane in Laos

Autor: Ryoko, ZOTA, Junko, SEINO, Ryo, TAKAHASHI, Keiko, YAMAMOTO, Ryo, TANAKA, Masato, EBINE, Takashi, YOZA, Shigeki, SAIMA
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 紀要. 12:77-84
ISSN: 1881-7440
Popis: ラオス国内の都市近郊の高齢者と一般成人の生活習慣と健康の状況を明らかにすることを目的に首都ビエンチャン市内の住民513 名を対象に,BMI と血圧測定を行い,さらに健康感や生活習慣に関する質問紙調査への回答を求めた。成人と高齢者を比較検討するために64 歳以下の「成人群」と65 歳以上の「高齢者群」の2 群に分けて測定項目および質問紙の調査項目を比較した。ラオス都市部近郊の成人は高齢者に比べて肥満である人の割合が多いことが明らかとなった。血圧については高齢者の方が高く,成人との差異は加齢に伴う影響と考えられる。健康感は高齢者の方が低く,先行研究と同様であった。食生活においては高齢者の方がより健康的な食事を摂取していることが明らかとなった。
The aim of this study was to investigate lifestyles and health conditions of the elderly and adults living in the suburbs of Laos. Participants were residents (n=513) in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. BMI and blood pressure were measured and a questionnaire on perceived health and lifestyles was conducted. Participants were classified into two groups: adults (less than 65 years) and the elderly (65 years and older). Then, questionnaire scores items were compared. BMI and the obesity rate in adults were significantly higher than in the elderly. Blood pressure (BP) and the rate of people with hypertension were significantly higher in the elderly. Current perceived health was significantly higher in adults. Significant differences were not indicated in the frequency of exercise. Intake of rice and fish was significantly higher in the elderly, whereas that of eggs and meat was significantly higher in adults. Alcohol intake was significantly higher in adults, whereas no significant differences were shown in the smoking rate. The obesity rate in adults was higher than in the elderly. Because of the growing economic activities in urban areas, people have come to have a rich diet. Moreover, the amount of exercise and calorie consumption has decreased because of the spread of motorization. Though the elderly seems to have a healthier diet compared to adults.
Databáze: OpenAIRE