Current Issues of Faculty Development in Higher Education in Japan

Autor: OKI, Hirotaka
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 名古屋高等教育研究. 19:17-32
ISSN: 1348-2459
Popis: 本稿は特集のテーマ「高等教育研究の現状とセンターの役割」に対する大規模私立大学からの問題提起である。FD義務化から10年が経過した今、各大学でFDの必要性や、学習者中心の教育の確立、学習成果を基盤にした質保証などの意義が十分に理解されるようになったか。そして今後、どのような政策的、制度的な変革が予想され、どのように高等教育研究センターのようなFD推進組織に影響を与えるかについて論じた。学習者中心の教育、学習成果を基盤にした質保証を定着させるためにも、あるいは教員の研究時間をより多く確保するためにも、実質的な教員の多様化に対応するエフォート管理や高度専門職の雇用・配置が推進され、各教員の教授能力の育成に力が注がれなければならなくなるだろう。それは今後、18歳人口が激減し、パートタイム学生を含む社会人学生や国際学生を多数受け入れるためには避けては通れない道になる可能性が大きい。
This paper attempts to discuss an argument from the large-scale private university sector on the symposium theme, “The Current Situation of Higher Education Research in Japan and the Expected Role of the Center for Higher Education.” It has been ten years since faculty development became compulsory in Japanese education. However, it is still doubtful whether the necessity of faculty development, the establishment of learner-centered education and a quality assurance system based on learning outcomes have been most fully appreciated at universities and colleges. In addition, it also attempts to anticipate political and institutional changes that may occur in Japanese higher education and to discuss the impacts they may bring to institutes that promote faculty development, such as centers for higher education. In order to establish learner-centered education and a quality assurance system based on learning outcomes, and to secure faculty’s research time, effort management would be required due to substantial diversification of the faculty members, and the employment of specialists and improvement of faculty’s teaching skills should also be accelerated. The implementation of these measures is inevitable if universities and colleges aspire to enroll more international and adult students including part-timers, at a time when the 18 year-old population has declined sharply.
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