Development of the scale of relationship between academic performance and adaptation skills in university life for the student of rehabilitation related professions

Autor: Saiji, Nishida, Yoshiki, Tamaru, Ayumi, Miyajima, Katsumi, Sugihara, Eiko, Kawakami, Futoshi, Matsushita, Akiyo, Kanayama, Tadayoshi, Ueda, Faculty of Rehabilitation,Shijonawate Gakuen University
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 四條畷学園大学リハビリテーション学部紀要 = Annual reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University. 10:25-29
Popis: 現在、高等学校卒業者のおよそ50%が大学へ進学している一方、休学・中退者の数は増え続けており、社会問題化している。文科省は休学・退学の要因として、高校と大学教育のギャップが生む『学業不振』を挙げている。必ずしも学業に重きをおかない、多様な価値観を持った学生のグローバル化が背景にある中、リハビリテーション医療系大学生は、一方で明確に学業をクリアすることを求められるという特徴がある。本研究の目的は、リハビリテーション医療系大学生を対象にした、学業および大学生活適応尺度を作成することである。作業療法学教員2名によって精選された35項目に対して、学生122名に反応を求めた。探索的因子分析の結果、感情・心理因子(6項目)、積極性因子(6項目)、適合感因子(4項目)、他者性因子(3項目)、自己対処因子(3項目)の5因子構造が得られた。信頼性に関しては,Cronbach α係数は高値を示し、因子間相関ではすべての因子間に有意な正の相関が見られ、一定の内的整合性、信頼性は保たれていた。
Recently about 50 percent of the new graduates from high school enroll to university. However, the number of temporary absent or drop out students from university continue to grow up, and it becomes a social issue now. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology states that one of the factor of long term absence and dropping out from the university is poor academic performance that occurs from educational gap between high school and university . While the students with various senses of values are increasing, it's important to give fixed academic performance for the student who try to be a rehabilitation related occupation. The purpose of this study is to develop the scale of relationship between academic performance and adaptation skill in university life for the OT students of Shijonawate—gakuen University.122 OT students were involved to answer the 35 questions which were selected by 2 OT teachers of the university. As a result of searching factor analysis, 5 factors which are consisted by feeling and psychological factor(6 items),initiative factor (6 items),feeling of conformity factor(4 items), other related factor(3 items) and self-cooping factors(3 items).The reliability by the Cronbach of coefficient shows high score and meaningful equilateral correlation among the factors also shows significantly high.
Databáze: OpenAIRE