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本研究は、保育者養成校の卒業生を対象にアンケート調査を実施し、就職後に生じた卒業前の就業イメージとのズレや、養成段階で就職支援として期待することについて明らかにし、養成段階や卒後に取り組む支援のあり方について検討するものである。 研究の結果、就業前後でのイメージのズレを極力小さくし、早期離職を低減させて行くために、養成段階では保育者となった卒業生だけでなく保育以外の仕事に就いた卒業生との縦のつながりがもてるような取り組みを充実し、多職種にも触れる機会を設け、自分に合う仕事を考えることができるようなプログラムが必要であると考える。その上で保育者になることを志す場合には、保育の質への視点を持つ力量形成や、内定から就業開始までの教育の充実など、養成過程における学生への教育の質的向上をより図っていく必要があると考える。卒後の支援としては、養成校が主体的に研修や協議の場に関わることが、卒業生である若手保育者の支えとなり早期離職を低減し、保育の質を向上することの一翼となるのではないかと考える。 The purpose of this study was to examine how to support the employment during the training course and after graduation. Therefore, a questionnaire survey was conducted among graduates of the Child-Care Workers training course. Items of the 1uestionnaire survey focused on image gap of the working environment before and after employment and the expected contents of the employment support during the training course. The study revealed that training program needs to include the opportunities to know other occupations, and to allow students to think about their suitable job. Therefore, at the training stage, listening to the stories of the graduates who have got a job in child-care should be incorporated. By doing so, the workplace image gap before and after employment can be reduced and early retirement prevented. To become a Child-Care Worker, it is essential to improve the quality of education for students during the training course, such as acquiring the clear vision of quality of the childcare before the actual job starts. As a support after the graduation, it is important to keep the relation with training course and integrate students into discussion. Such steps would support young child-care worker graduates, leading to prevention of early retirement and the improvement of quality of the childcare. |