Factor analysis of diversity of revenue source in third-sector organizations

Autor: Yasuhiko, Kotagiri
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 社会科学 = The Social Science(The Social Sciences). 50(4):77-96
ISSN: 0419-6759
Popis: 国あるいは地方の行財政改革が進展するなかで,公共の担い手としてサードセクター組織が果たす役割が大きくなっている。本稿では,サードセクター組織の自律性を財源多様性の観点から分析した。具体的には,サードセクター組織の財源構造を,Herfindahl - Hirschman Indexを用いて測定すると同時に,それらを規定する諸要因を探索した。分析の結果,サードセクター組織全体として特定の財源に依存する傾向がみられる点,また,財政規模の大きい組織ほど特定の財源に依存する点,が示唆された。
The advance of liberalist reforms in public-private relationships has greatly expanded the role of the third-sector organizations as representatives of the public. Although the third-sector organizations literature has grown substantially, the issue of how strengthening of such relationships affects the third-sector organizations' autonomy has not been fully explored. This paper assesses the third-sector organizations' autonomy, particularly their financial autonomy. It uses the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index for measuring the diversity of financial revenue sources and applies it to a national sample of the third-sector organizations. Furthermore, it demonstrates factors impacting the diversity of revenue sources. The results showed that financially large organizations have a greater dependence on single revenue sources, that the third-sector organizations in general are becoming more dependent on single revenue sources.
特集 ソーシャル・イノベーション学の総合的研究
Special issue: A synthetic study of science of social innovation
Databáze: OpenAIRE