Comparison of Upper Spontaneous Movements in Extremely Low-birth-weight Infants and Term Infants at 1-month Corrected Age

Autor: UCHIO, Yuu, HASEGAWA, Mikiko, IKAI, Tetsuo, UCHIYAMA, Atsushi, KUSUDA, Satoshi, FUJIMOTO, Yasunari, NITTA, Osamu
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 理学療法学. 45(6):347-357
ISSN: 0289-3770
Popis: 要旨【目的】超低出生体重児の自発運動の特徴と新生児枕による即時的影響を明らかにすることである。【方法】対象は,神経学的異常のみられない超低出生体重児群8名(平均出生体重729 ± 144g,平均在胎期間24.6 ± 2.0週),正期産児群8名とした。評価時期は,修正月齢1ヵ月に行った。評価機器は,乳児自発運動評価を目的に開発された小型の三次元動作計測システムを用い,児の自然な自発運動を新生児枕有無の2条件で記録した。得られた三次元座標データより自発運動の平均速度,対称性,流暢性,突発性を算出し,比較した。【結果】超低出生体重児の自発運動は,正期産児と同様の平均速度,流暢性,突発性を示したが,正期産児と比較し非対称性を示した。また,新生児枕の使用により即時的に非対称性が軽減した。【結論】神経学的異常のみられない超低出生体重児の自発運動の特徴は,非対称性であり,新生児枕の使用により軽減できる可能性が示唆された。
Purpose: In general, the development of infants is promoted through their own early spontaneous movements. However, the characteristics of spontaneous movements and effects of interventions in extremely low-birth weight (ELBW) infants are unclear. The purpose of this study was to reveal the characteristics of spontaneous movements and the effects of the use of an infant pillow in ELBW infants at 1-month corrected age. Methods: We evaluated spontaneous movements with and without the pillow in 8 ELBW infants and 8 term infants. The mean gestational age and birth weight of the ELBW infants were 24.6 weeks and 729 g, respectively. The ELBW infants were evaluated in Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital at 1-month corrected age. The term infants were evaluated at their home at 1 month after birth. Spontaneous movements were analyzed using the Microsoft Kinect depth sensor. The recorded spontaneous movements were quantified using 4 movement indexes (velocity, laterality index, jerk index, and kurtosis of acceleration). The results were calculated from three-dimensional trajectories of the arms. Results: Velocity, jerk index, and kurtosis of acceleration showed no significant differences between the groups with and without the pillow. The laterality index was higher in the ELBW infants than in the term infants without a pillow, but no significant difference was found between the groups with a pillow. Conclusion: Our results suggest that spontaneous movements of ELBW infants are more asymmetrical than those of term infants. Use of an infant pillow can improve the asymmetrical movements of ELBW infants.
Databáze: OpenAIRE