Relationships Between Emotion Regulation Strategies and Depressive Symptoms and Aggressive Behavior : Elementary and Middle School Students

Autor: Murayama, Yasuo, Ito, Hiroyuki, Takayanagi, Nobuya, Uemiya, Ai, Nakajima, Syunji, Katagiri, Masatoshi, Hamada, Megumi, Myougan, Mitsunori, Tsujii, Masatsugu
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 教育心理学研究 = The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology. 65(1):64-76
ISSN: 0021-5015
Popis: 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系
情動調整方略はメンタルヘルスに影響を及ぼす要因の1つである。国内では, 反すう, 問題解決, 気晴らし, 認知的再評価を同時に測定できる尺度がないため, 国内の小中学生における情動調整とメンタルヘルスの関連についての知見はあまり報告されていない。そこで, 本研究は単一市内の全小中学校に在籍する小学4年生から中学3年生までの5,321名を対象として, 既存の尺度に新たに認知的再評価の項目を加えた情動調整方略に関する尺度(Emotion Regulation Scale for Elementary and Middle School Students; ERS-EM)を作成した上で, 情動調整方略と抑うつおよび攻撃性の関連を検証した。因子分析の結果, ERS-EMは4因子構造であることが確認され, ERS-EMの構成概念妥当性が支持された。各方略と抑うつおよび攻撃性の関連については, 反すうが強い児童生徒ほど抑うつと攻撃性が高いこと, 問題解決の傾向が高い児童生徒ほど抑うつと攻撃性が低いこと, 気晴らしを行う児童生徒ほど抑うつが低いことが確認された。認知的再評価は抑うつと攻撃性のいずれとも有意な関連を示さなかった。
Emotion regulation is among the factors that maintain or interfere with individuals’ mental health. The authors could not find any self-rating scales that had been developed for children and adolescents that assessed rumination, problem-solving, distraction, and cognitive reappraisal simultaneously. In the absence of a suitable instrument, little research has been done on effects of emotion regulation on mental health in children and adolescents. The present authors developed the Emotion Regulation Scale for Elementary and Middle School Students (ERS-EM) by combining items measuring cognitive reappraisal and an existing scale that measures other emotion regulation strategies, such as rumination. The present study is a cross-sectional examination of the relationships of these emotion regulation strategies to depressive symptoms and aggressive behavior in 4th to 9th grade students (2,692 elementary school students, 2,629 middle school students; 2,735 boys, 2,586 girls). Factor analysis of the Emotion Regulation Scale for Elementary and Middle School Students revealed 4 factors: rumination, problem-solving, cognitive reappraisal, and distraction. This supported the construct validity of the Emotion Regulation Scale for Elementary and Middle School Students. Furthermore, rumination was associated with worse scores on depressive symptoms and aggressive behavior. Problem-solving and distraction were associated with scores indicating less depression and aggression, whereas only problem-solving was associated with alleviation of aggression. No effect of cognitive reappraisal on either depression or aggression was found.
Databáze: OpenAIRE