The Expansion of Fashion Education by the Establishment of the Aroma Class

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 広島文化短期大学紀要. 39:1-6
ISSN: 1348-3587
Popis: ファッション教育を拡張するため,「アロマ科目」の新設可能性を検証することを目的とした。試行授業「アロマテラピーの実践」(講義と演習,3時間)を実践し,その後に試験とアンケートを行った。多くの学生が,アロマに興味を抱き,有用感も持っていた。生活の幅を広げる教養としてアロマの授業を希望する学生が多いことが分かった。 The purpose of this study was to verify that "the aroma class" is great potential for newly-established to expand fashion education. "The practice of the aromatherapy" (a trial aroma class lecture and practice, three hours) was practiced, and an examination and a questionnaire were done after last class. Many students had great interest in the aroma and held it is useful for their life. It found that there were many students who hoped for learning of the aroma as a culture which extended the width of the life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE