Spreading knowledge of behavioral principles using KBPAC and its time-course changes

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 札幌学院大学心理学紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Psychology Sapporo Gakuin University. 4(1):13-34
ISSN: 2434-1967
Popis: 幸田他(1982)は,KBPAC(Knowledge of Behavioral Principles as Applied to Children ; O'Dell, S. et al.,1979)を邦訳し,親,教師170名を対象に,日本における行動理論的知識の特徴を調査した。本研究では,その後1982年から1997年の15年間,KBPACを用いて,日本の臨床心理学関係者349名に対して,経年変化を踏まえた行動理論的知識に対する理解度,並びに普及が必要な行動理論的知識を調査した。その結果,合計得点,各項目の正答率・誤答率に経年変化は認められなかったため,349名全体の傾向を分析したところ,幸田他(1982)に比べて,合計得点の中央値は4点増加,正答率の高い項目数が2倍に増加,同じ誤答を選択した項目数が25%減少していた。成績が向上した理由として,臨床心理学関係者という対象者の違いが考えられた。その臨床心理学関係者においても,同じ誤答や低正答率が認められた21項目のうち,項目反応理論2PLMモデルの結果から,特に12項目の難易度が高いことがわかった。12項目の内容は,問題行動は学習によるもの,行動生起の原因を重視したり発達段階が進めば問題行動が無くなるという誤認,具体的なスモールステップや強化スケジュールの設定方法と言語の多用,正の強化のみの有効性,罰の与え方,記録方法であり,今後これらの正確な行動理論的知識の普及が必要であることが示された。さらに行動療法,認知行動療法が発展した現在においても経年変化が生じていないか,検討が待たれる。
Kouda et al.(1982) translated the Knowledge of Behavioral Principles as Applied to Children (KBPAC ; O'Dell, S. et al.,1979) into Japanese and examined the characteristics of knowledge of behavioral principles in Japan with 170 parents and teachers. The present study investigated the time-course changes in understanding in 349 Japanese participants involved in clinical psychology from 1982 to 1997 and discussed knowledge of behavioral principles that should be increased. The results did not indicate time-course changes in total scores or correct or incorrect answer rates for each item. Therefore, we analyzed the tendency of all participants (N=349), which indicated an increase in the total median scores by 4 points, an increase in the frequency of high correct answer rates by 2, and a 25% decrease in selecting the exact wrong answer, compared to Kouda et al.(1982). The participants in this study were people involved with clinical psychology, which might have improved the scores. Twelve items among the 21 items with the exact wrong answer or a low correct answer rate were considered especially difficult even for these participants based on the results of the Two-Parameter Logistic Model (2PLM) of Item Response Theory. The 12 items' content was as follows : problem behaviors are caused by learning, problem behaviors disappear as the developmental stage advances or when focusing on the causes of behavior, methods of developing small concrete steps and reinforcement schedules, as well as frequent use of language, the efficacy of only positive reinforcement, punishment methods, and recording methods. It was indicated that spreading accurate knowledge of behavioral principles is essential. It is suggested that current time-course changes when behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are well developed should be examined in the future.
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