Surveys on physical measurements, perception of body shape and dieting in female students

Autor: Ayako, TAKAHASHI, Toyomi, MIYAKAWA
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 和洋女子大学紀要. 家政系編. 44:41-60
Popis: 女子学生を対象に、5年間の身体計測及びダイエットと体型意識に関するアンケート調査を行った。1.BMIによる分類では「低体重」者が年々増加し、1999年8.5%から2003年は17.2%であった。2.BMIと体脂肪率は強い相関を示すが、BMI低体重群の91.0%が体脂肪率判定では「普通」に属した。3.女子学生の理想身長は160.9±3.4cm、理想体重48.1±4.3kg、理想BMIは18.6±1.5であり、「やせ気味」体型を理想としている。4.体型の自己評価は、2003年結果で58.4%が「太っている」と評価し、部位別では「お腹」(腹部)に対し、「やや不満」「大変不満」の回答が91.9%であった。また78.0%が改善を希望している。5.ダイエットは6割が経験者で、体重減少を目標とし、目標体重への到達を成功と捉え、リバウンドすることを失敗とする回答が最多であった。6.ダイエット方法は「運動」「食事」単独の方法に比べて「運動+食事」法が効果的で、その体重減少量は平均-4.5~-5.9kgであった。
The results of 5-year questionnaire surveys on physical measurements, perception of body shape and dieting in female students were summarized. In analysis of BMI (Body Mass Index), the percentage of students with low-body weight has increased each year, from 8.5% in 1999 to 17.2% in 2003. While there was a strong correlation between BMI and percent body fat, 91.0% of the students with lowbody weight according to BMI were classified as having average percent body fat. The ideal body shape of female students was as follows: height 160.9±3.4cm, body weight 48.1±4.3kg and BMI 18.6±1.5. These members show that female students tend to believe that a slightly thin body shape is ideal. In 2003, a survey on self-assessment of body shape showed that 58.4% of the respondents felt that they were overweight, especially in the abdomen. In other words, 91.9% of the students stated that they were slightly or very unhappy about their abdomen, and 78.0% of the students wished to have a better abdomen. About 60% of the students surveyed had tried diets to lower their body weight. The most common answer was that a diet is a success if a target body weight is achieved and a failure if the body weight rebounds. When comparing dieting and exercise, dieting combined with exercise was more effective, with the amount of body weight reduction ranging from 4.5 to 5.9kg.
Databáze: OpenAIRE