On self-emptying and self-different care-giving from the stand point of biblical concept of neighborly love

Autor: KOZAKI, Makoto
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 同志社女子大學學術研究年報 = Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts annual reports of studies. 61:69-79
ISSN: 0418-0038
Popis: 自律性原理に基づく近代的自我の偏重の中、「ケア」という姿勢においても人間が負う不条理な苦痛に対して根本的排除か合理的受容による自己への適合を求めてきた。しかしながら、癌患者であった岸本英夫のごとく苦痛 (癌) と向き合いつつ、希望を見出そうとする歩みがある事も事実である。本稿では男性的思考 (正義の倫理) から疎外、脱落させられてきた女性的思考 (ケアの倫理) を抽出したC.ギリガンが提示する「web」のイメージに発され、不条理な苦痛をも迎え入れる関係性を探求した。とくに、「無視され/見落とされたもの」へ関心を払うギリガンの思考に通底する「荒野の物語 (サマリア人の世話の物語)」の中に「受苦的姿勢」(苦痛/他者との遭遇) を読み解き、自己無化性に根差した「web」関係の中に想定外の者 (他の人) をも迎え入れる視座を見出した。不条理な苦難 (他者) との遭遇を通してこそ、ケアの関係 (「他の人」の迎い入れ) が可能となる。この自己に同化し得ない「異なる他者」との流動的な「web関係」の只中に互い (他の人) を支配しない「希望の思想」が創出する事を提言した。 To us, who have been influenced by modern individualism and rationalism, death and sufferings are absurd and have no positive meaning. We know, however, that it is possible for a cancer patient, like Dr. Hideo Kishimoto, professor of religions, to live with and contemplate on his own pains and impending death and, by so doing, find a deeper and more authentic meaning of life. This paper assumes that sufferings can reveal deeper meaning of life as in Dr.Kishimoto's case. In care-giving relationships, care-givers come face to face with their clients' pains and sufferings daily. It is, therefore, critically important for care-givers to have an authentic understanding of sufferings, without denying/numbing them or rationalizing them. In individualism, sufferings of others are experienced as potential extension of care-givers themselves. In rationalism and moralized religious faiths, the pains and sufferings of the faithful are deemed simply illogical, and are often denied. Inspired by the psychologist Carol Gilligan's image of "web," referring to women's moral attitude based on finding themselves and others in mutual relatedness, I found a web-like relationship between the Samaritan (the care-giver) and the Jewish victim (the care-receiver) in my exegesis of the parable of The Good Samaritan. They both share the same vulnerability as a result of alienation from the dominant society, and thus formed a community of sufferings. The Samaritan shared in the sufferings of the victim, not as an extension of himself, but as another distinct individual in the same web of relationship. Here lies a possibility of self-giving/selfemptying and yet self-different care-giving.
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