Toward a Creative Classroom Space with Two Learning Theories : Proposal for a Learning Cycle by integrating Jena Plan Education and Self-Regulated Learning

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1346-1621
Popis: 中央教育審議会『令和の日本型学校教育』では、「個別最適な学び」と「協働的な学び」という観点から学習活動の充実の方向性を改めて捉え直し、主体的・対話的で深い学びの実現に向けた授業改善につなげていくことの重要性が示されている。そこで、本稿では、主体性の点から研究されてきた自己調整学習について、イエナプラン教育で行われているブロックアワーが示す子どもの姿から、子どもの自己認識の変容を可視化しつつ、個別学習と協働学習が成立しうる教室空間の創造について検討する。その際、5年算数「偶数と奇数、倍数と約数」を題材として、学習サイクルを作成した。作成した学習サイクルを基に、授業実践を行い、子どもの自己効力感と学習到達度の増減関係について述べた。さらに、自己効力感や学習到達度を加味して望ましい教室空間の創造をめざすためには、子どもが自己選択・自己決定ができ、自分の伸びを実感できることや助け合う動機が生じること、更に学習課題に意欲がわくような工夫が必要であることに言及した。
The Central Council for Education's "Japan-Style of Education, Reiwa" indicates the importance of reconsidering the direction of enrichment of learning activities from the perspective of "individual optimal learning" and "collaborative learning" and improving classes to realize independent, interactive, and deep learning.Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss self-regulated learning, which has been studied from the viewpoint of independence, and create a classroom space where individual and collaborative learning can take place, while visualizing the transformation of children's self-awareness based on the children's images shown during the block hour in Jenaplan education. In doing so, a learning cycle was created using the 5th grade arithmetic subject "Even and Odd Numbers, Multiples and divisor".Based on the learning cycle created, we conducted classroom practice and described the relationship between children's self-efficacy and their level of learning achievement. Furthermore, in order to create a desirable classroom space that takes into account self-efficacy and learning achievement, it is necessary to devise ways to enable children to make their own choices and decisions, to realize their own growth, to motivate them to help each other, and to motivate them to learn.
Databáze: OpenAIRE