Suggestion for nursing educational programs and support systems for nurses who are going to work in small island clinics

Autor: Shimoji, Chisato, Kamizato, Midori, Okinawa Prefectural Miyako Hospital, Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursings
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: 沖縄県立看護大学紀要 = Journal of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing. 14:43-55
ISSN: 1345-5133
Popis: 【目的】離島診療所赴任1年目の看護師に対する教育プログラムと支援体制を検討し、M病院看護部へ提言することを目的とする。【方法】研究協力者は、M病院の離島支援開発委員会のメンバー(12名)や看護管理者(2名)、T離島診療所看護師(1名)、15ヵ所の県立病院附属診療所看護師(15名)であった。研究方法は、第1段階から第4段階で構成した。第1段階では、既存の資料から教育プログラムと支援体制の原案を作成し、委員会で追加・修正を行った。第2段階では、作成した教育プログラムに基づいて診療所看護師に対する2日間の研修を実施し、その参与観察を行った。第3段階では、研修終了後に診療所看護師に対する半構成的面接調査を実施し研修の評価を行った。第4段階では、教育プログラムと支援体制について15ヵ所の県立病院附属診療所看護師を対象に意見交換会と質問紙調査を行い、その結果を基に、最終版を作成した。面接や参与観察は質的帰納的に分析し、質問紙調査は記述統計を行った。【結果】第1段階:T診療所看護師の課題を抽出し、赴任前の島の特殊性とその対応の講義、研修計画等を含む教育プログラムと支援体制の原案を作成した。第2段階:T診療所看護師は、糖尿病外来や薬剤部での研修において、実践的で新たな情報を得ることができ、かつ関係部署との連携を密にすることができた。第3段階:T診療所看護師の研修直後の評価として【研修での学びを看護実践へ活用】することや【看護の質の維持・向上のための研修の継続の必要性】など9つのカテゴリーが抽出された。第4段階:質問紙調査では、県立病院附属診療所の全看護師が教育プログラムの必要性を認識していた。さらに、意見交換会の内容から、【赴任前の十分な救急室配置の必要性】【赴任前の引き継ぎのあり方の検討の必要性】など8つのカテゴリーが抽出された。最終的な教育プログラムのコア内容として、「島の特性に応じた看護」「一人配置で行う救急看護」「薬剤師代行業務」「診療所における地域連携」「診療所と派遣病院の関連部署との連携」「看護師の背景と特性」が明らかとなった。支援体制として、赴任前では「救急室への配置」「島の特殊性に関する講義開講」、赴任中では「診療所看護師のサポート強化」「研修の実施」、「1年間の活動報告会の開催」などが抽出された。【結論】赴任1年目の離島診療所看護師に対する教育プログラムのコア内容と具体的な支援体制が明確になった。今後看護部と離島支援開発委員会などの組織的な運営や支援のもとに教育プログラムが継続的に実施されていくことが必要である。
【Purpose】Purpose of this research was identified to the nursing educational programs and support systems for nurses who are going to work in small island clinics. This research results will be suggested to the nursing department of M hospital for nursing education. 【Methods】This research consisted of four steps. The first step made nursing educational programs and support systems. Those were discussed with the island committee members of M hospital. The second step was providing two days of nursing educational programs for the small island nurse. The researcher had observation surveys during nurses’ training. The third step was that we evaluated the nurses’ training after we had interviews with her. The fourth step was a questionnaires survey and the opinion meeting with 15 of islands’ clinic nurses regarding nursing educational programs and support systems. We evaluated and validated this educational program. We analyzed inductivity for quality data and descriptively for quantity data. 【Results】The first step: There were 13 categories with issues of the T islands' nurses such as "doing other activities except nursing activities", "need of training for weak point of nursing", "need of support system for work settings for security". The second step: The T island nurse had a new practical and information from training of diabetes outpatient clinic and pharmacy. Then, the T island nurse had a close and cooperate relationships with other departments. The third step: Evaluation of training included 9 categories such as "into nursing practice from training", "need of training continually to maintain and improve the quality of care". The fourth step: All prefectural small island nurses recognized the need for the educational programs and support systems according to the questionnaire survey. There were 8 categories such as " need of sufficient training in emergency room before posting to small island" , " need of exchange information before posting to small islands " from nurses' opinion meeting. The final core educational programs were " nursing on the basis of characteristics of islands", "emergency nursing by one nurse" , " nursing on behalf of pharmacist", " community of cooperation at island clinic", " teamwork with the clinic between the main hospital which delegate nurses to clinic", and " consideration of nursing back ground and character". The support system were "assigned in the emergency room before deployment", "offer of lecture regarding islands' character", " reinforcement of support systems for the small islands nurses during work", "providing educational programs", and " have report meetings of one year nursing activities for other nurses" 【Conclusion】 The educational programs and support systems were identified in this research. These programs and support systems need continuously carried out by on basis of systematic management of nursing departments and supports committees of the island
Databáze: OpenAIRE