Survey on the awareness of organ donation and transplantation among nursing students

Autor: HATAKEYAMA, Yoshiko, KOBAYASHI, Masumi, Hatakeyama, Yoshiko, Kobayashi, Masumi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 紀要 = Bulletin of Yamanashi Junior College of Nursing. 11(1):125-136
ISSN: 1342-0097
Popis: 平成9年に臓器移植法が制定され、脳死者からの臓器提供及び臓器移植が受けられるようになり、以後、移植医療の進歩はめざましい。移植医療に携わることが予測される看護学生の臓器移植への意識調査を行った。以下のような結果が得られた。(有効回答=267)1.臓器移植への関心は高かったが、提供に関する承諾条件の認知は44.6%であった。臓器移植に関心を持つ学生群は持たない学生群に対し「提供する」意思が有意に高かった。2.カード持参する学生は83名(31.0%)であったが、意思が決まらず意思表示していない学生が23名いた。「何となく」カードを持ち、「理由なく」カードを持たないとする学生が多かった。3.臓器移植に関心を持つ学生群は持たない学生群に対し「提供する」意思が有意に高かった。4.自ら臓器移植を受けるかに対しては「その時になってみないと分からない」(56.9%)としながらも、受ける理由では「生きたいから」、受けたくない理由では「他人との死との引き替えは嫌だからが多かった。5.死生観との比較において、「心停止時、提供したい」「心停止時、提供したくない」に有意差が見られた。今後、「死生観」「死の概念」などの点から分析が課題である。看護学生は今後、移植医療に関わるだけでなく、ドナーやレシピエントとなることも考えられる。かれらの臓器移植に対する正しい知識と移植医療に対する意見を確立するとともに、臓器移植に対する理解と死生観の育成を図ることの必要性が示唆された。
Since the establishment of the 1997 Organ Transplantation Law in Japan, which permits organ donation and transplantation from brain dead donors, the field of transplantation has rapidly imprved. In the present study, a surveyb was conducted on the awareness of organ donation and transplantation among nursing students, who were expected to be involved in transplantation medicine. The results revealed the following 4 points. (n=267) 1) Although the level of concern for organ donation and transplantation was high, only 44.6% of nursing students recognized the conditions of approval regarding donations. 2) The intention to “donate” was significantly higher among students who were concerned about organ donation and transplantation than those who were indifferent to the issue. 3) Although 83 students carried an organ donor card (31%), 23 of them did not indicate their intentions as a result of indecisiveness. There were many students both who carried a donation card and who did not carry a card; their individuals in both groups did not indicate a specific reason for carrying or not carrying a card. 4) Regarding a question of whether the students would receive an organ transplant if necessary, 56.9% of students responded, “I do not know unless I am actually in such a situation.” The main reason for being willing to receive a transplant was “I want to live”, while the main reason for not wanting a transplant was “I do not want to live in exchange for another person's death”. 5) A comparison of nurses' “views of life and death” showed significant differences between “I want to donate after a cardiac arrest” and “I do not want to donate after a cardiac arrest”. Howeever, further analysis of nurses “views of life and death” and “the concept of death” may be necessary. Nursing students are not only expected to be involved in transplantation medicine, but also have the possibility to become donors or recipients in future organ transplantations. The result of the survey suggests that there is a necessity for nursing students to gain knowledge of organ transplantation and to from their own views and or opinions of life and death.
Databáze: OpenAIRE