Oxygenation Changes in Sensorimotor Cortex during Exhaustive Handgrip Task : A Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study

Autor: Iwabe, Tatsuya, Onishi, Hideaki, Kubo, Masayoshi, Furukawa, Katsuya, Kirimoto, Hikari
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 理学療法学. 37(1):35-40
ISSN: 0289-3770
Popis: application/pdf
Purpose: We investigated the relationships of changes among muscle forces, muscle activities and sensorimotor cortical activity during exhaustive task. Subject and Method: Seven male healthy subjects participated in this experiment. Subjects performed handgrip task with maximul voluntary contraction (100%MVC) for 120s and with 50% maximal contraction (50%MVC) for 300s. The rest period was given berore (120s) and after (300s) the task. The cerebral cortex oxy-hemoglobin concentration change (⊿oxyHb) was measured by Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) from the beginning of the first rest period to end of the second rest period. Muscle force and electromyogram were also measured in the same period. Result: In both conditions, ⊿oxyHb in sensorimotor cortex exhibited steady increases in initial part of the handgrip task. In 50%MVC condition, the decrease of ⊿oxyHb was preceded by the decrease in muscle force and muscle activity. However, In 100%MVC condition, the decrease of ⊿oxyHb was observed only at the end of the hand grip task. In both conditions, reduction rates of Purpose: We investigated the relationships of changes among muscle forces, muscle activities and sensorimotor cortical activity during exhaustive task. Subject and Method: Seven male healthy subjects participated in this experiment. Subjects performed handgrip task with maximul voluntary contraction (100%MVC) for 120s and with 50% maximal contraction (50%MVC) for 300s. The rest period was given berore (120s) and after (300s) the task. The cerebral cortex oxy-hemoglobin concentration change (⊿oxyHb) was measured by Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) from the beginning of the first rest period to end of the second rest period. Muscle force and electromyogram were also measured in the same period. Result: In both conditions, ⊿oxyHb in sensorimotor cortex exhibited steady increases in initial part of the handgrip task. In 50%MVC condition, the decrease of ⊿oxyHb was preceded by the decrease in muscle force and muscle activity. However, In 100%MVC condition, the decrease of ⊿oxyHb was observed only at the end of the hand grip task. In both conditions, reduction rates of ⊿oxyHb were less than that of the muscle activities. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that in 100%MVC condition, sensorimotor cortical activity keeps increasing even though muscle activity starts decreasing due to fatigue. However, in 50%MVC condition, decrease in senserimotor cortical activity is observed significantly later then the occurrence of the in muscle activity.⊿oxyHb were less than that of the muscle activities. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that in 100%MVC condition, sensorimotor cortical activity keeps increasing even though muscle activity starts decreasing due to fatigue. However, in 50%MVC condition, decrease in senserimotor cortical activity is observed significantly later then the occurrence of the in muscle activity.
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