
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 鳥取大学附属中学校研究紀要. 2021, 52, 127-132.
ISSN: 2434-5997
Popis: 今まで「蒸す」調理の学習では「蒸しケーキ」を作る等の調理実習を行ってきたが単発的な活動で終わってしまい学習したことを生活に生かすことができてないと感じた。そこで本研究では「蒸す」調理を理解し生活に生かせる思考を育むために「蒸す」という調理はどのような調理かどのような食材に適した調理かを実験を通して体験的に理解させその特徴を生かした「蒸し料理」を考えさせる授業実践を行った。|Until now, In learning "steaming" cooking, we have practiced cooking such as making "steamed cakes". However, It ended up as a one-off experience, and I felt that I couldn't put what I learned to life. Therefore, In this study, in order to understand "steaming" cooking and foster thinking that can be utilized in daily life, we let students understand through experiments what kind of cooking "steaming" is and what kind of ingredients are suitable for it, we practiced lessons to make people think about "steamed dishes" that make the best use of their characteristics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE