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我が国において医師の地域偏在および診療科偏在は,医療政策上の重要な課題となっている。しかしこれまで各都道府県での医師の偏在に関する報告は少ない。我々は,富山県における医師数を評価し,今後の医師数確保,安定した医療体制の構築に資することを目的として,厚生労働省の公開している医師・歯科医師・薬剤師調査をもとに富山県および県内各二次医療圏の医師数の推移を評価した。富山県全体の医師数は,全国平均とほぼ同程度で推移しているが,診療科間,二次医療圏間では偏在が生じており,若手医師の比較的少ない年齢構成にも課題があると考えられた。若手医師の定着,女性医師を含め働きやすい環境の構築,研修体制の充実などにより安定的に医師数確保を行うとともに,診療科偏在についても将来の医療需要を見据えて解消に取り組むことが重要と考えられる。 The uneven distribution of medical doctors in local communities and across treatment departments is an important national issue. Herein, we investigated the changes in the number of the medical doctors in the Toyama prefecture to maintain a sustainable healthcare system in our local community. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare conducts surveys of physicians, dentists and pharmacists every two years, which describes the number of the medical doctors. According to this survey, the number of the medical doctors per population in Toyama was almost comparable to that of the national average in Japan. However, medical doctors were unevenly distributed among the departments or second medical administration areas in Toyama. Additionally, the number of young doctors was relatively small compared to that of senior doctors. Our findings indicated that maintaining an adequate number of settling young doctors through attractive training programs and improved working environment would translate to sustainable medical system in Toyama. |