Basic abilities required to perform home care nursing planning : an interview of expert home-visit nursing station managers

Autor: Rie, Hakamada-Taguchi, Chie, Kawahara, Rubiko, Nishi, Chie, Sueda
Přispěvatelé: 共立女子大学看護学部地域在宅看護学, 横浜創英大学看護学部在宅看護学
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 共立女子大学看護学雑誌 = Kyoritsu journal of nursing. 2:1-9
Popis: 近年、在宅ケアの需要が高まり、在宅看護教育の重要性が増しているが、在宅看護過程の計画立案の教育には大きな課題があることが報告されている。そこで本研究では、在宅看護計画立案の基盤となる能力を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象者は熟練の訪問看護ステーション管理者9名である。半構成的インタビューにて、在宅看護計画立案の基盤となる能力、知識、態度について質問し、得られたデータを質的帰納的に分析した。結果、在宅看護計画立案の基盤となる能力としては、療養者と家族のアセスメントを行うための【見て感じて把握する力】【情報を引き出す力】【察する力】と、生活の質を向上させる看護計画を立案するための【生活の質への着想力】と、これらの能力を支える【疾患と生活を探求する力】が必要であることが明らかになった。今後、これらの能力を向上させるための教育プログラムの検討が必要と考えられる。
In recent years, the demand for home care has been increasing, and home care nursing education has become more important. However, it is reported that educational programs for planning in the home care nursing process have critical issues. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the basic abilities required to plan the home care nursing process. In this study, nine expert home-visit nursing station managers were interviewed regarding the basic abilities, knowledge, and attitude necessary to perform home care nursing planning through semi-structured methods. The results were analyzed using an inductive approach, which indicated the following five abilities required to perform home care nursing planning: the ability to identify physical conditions by observing and feeling, the ability to obtain information, the ability to deduce, knowledge of quality of life, and the ability to research about diseases and household skills. Three abilities, the ability to identify physical conditions by observing and feeling, ability to obtain information, and ability to deduce, are necessary to asses a home care patient and his/her family. Knowledge of quality of life is required for designing a nursing care plan to improve quality of life. The ability to research about diseases and household skills is suggested to supports other abilities. Therefore, development of educational programs to improve these abilities is necessary in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE