A Proposal for Preserving Viewing Points of the Tokyo Tower Based on Images Depicted in Manga Works

Autor: OTAKE, Yuka
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 芸術学研究. 22:1-10
Popis: 東京都心部では、都市が高層化しており、東京タワーの見える場所も年々少なくなっている。本稿は、今後保全すべき東京タワーの眺望点を新たに提案するための基礎的研究である。まず、東京タワーの眺望景観の保全の現状を整理した。現在の景観施策において、保全されている東京タワーの眺望点は、タワー近辺の地上である芝公園と増上寺、赤羽橋交差点に限られていること、眺望警官の種類は、公園景と街路景、寺社景に限られていることを明らかにした。次に、東京タワーの場景が描かれた漫画23作品333コマを探索し、それらのイメージを分析・考察した。東京タワーは、地上だけでなく上空の眺望点からも描かれ、また、上空景、足下景、街路景、公園景、水辺景、寺社景、高速道路景、電車景の順に多く描かれていることを明らかにした。以上に基づき、眺望景観の種類のうち現在保全されている公演景と街路景、寺社景だけでなく、漫画に描かれていた上空景、足下景、水辺景、高速道路景、電車景も保全することを提案する。また、現在保全されている地上のタワー近くの眺望点だけでなく、川岸や海岸のように東京タワーから遠い地点や、上空の地点である首都高速道路やJR線、展望台や飛行経路、芝公園上空も、眺望点に選定することを提案する。
Every year, the urban center of Tokyo is becoming more verticalized and the number of locations from which the Tokyo Tower is visible is decreasing. This paper proposes new sites for viewing the Tokyo Tower and how they should be preserved in the future. First, we summarized the status of preservation of views of the Tokyo Tower. We identified that in the current policy, locations for viewing are limited to areas near the tower at the ground level, Shiba Park, Zojoji Temple, and the Akabanebashi intersection, and the types of preserved views of the Tokyo Tower are limited to park, street, and temple views. Subsequently, we searched through 333 panels from 23 manga works depicting scenes of the Tokyo Tower and considered these scenes. Apart from being depicted from the ground level, the Tokyo Tower was depicted from aerial viewing points, as well. We also demonstrated that the tower was most often depicted in views from above, foot-level views, street views, park views, waterfront fiews, temple views, highway views, and train views, in that order. After careful selection, we think that at least the aforementioned eight types of scenery depicted in the manga should be preserved. Among the different types of scenery of the Tokyo Tower, we propose preserving the views from above, foot-level views, waterfront views, highway views, and train views as depicted in the manga, in addition to the park, street, and temple views that are currently being preserved. In addition to the ground-level views from the areas in the vicinity of the tower that are currently being preserved, we propose seleting locations far away from the Tokyo Tower, such as riverbanks and the coast, locations up in the air such as Metropolitan Expressway and JR line, observation decks, flight paths, and the air above Shiba Park, as viewing points of the tower.
Databáze: OpenAIRE