高齢者訪問看護における糖尿病ケアのクリティカルパスの開発 : 原案の開発と試行結果

Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 日本ヒューマンケア科学会誌. 4(1):29-40
ISSN: 1882-6962
Popis: The purpose of this study was to develop a proposed critical pathway (CP) for diabetic care in home carenursing for the elderly and examine the possibilies for its use. . The following 3-Step were contained in themethodology; [Step 1: Survey of home care nursing records and interview survey of visiting nurses], [Step2: Development of a proposed CP and method of reaching a consensus with experts], [Step 3: Trial application of the developed proposed CP]. 42 visiting nurses participated and used the proposed CP as a trial and their evaluations of the 12 endpoints are presented. As a result these 4 endpoints accounted for 60 ~70% of thetotal responses, "effect on the prevention of acute diabetic complications", "implementation of diabetic care needed", "use for the evaluation of diabetic care" and "thorough assessment of diabetic care";. The endpoints with lowest rates of responses were "reduction in time for keeping nursing records" (11.9%) followed by"applicability of a care protocol (including the CP) in the station" (28.6%) and "promotion of collaborationwith professionals from other fields" (33.3%).Based on the above results, the usefulness of the developed CPfor diabetic care was evaluated highly. The above results suggest that the CP developed in the present study can be applied if the process of diabetic care in home care nursing for the elderly and its endpoints of the CP are refined, and also if the roles of medical institutions and home care nursing are clarified.本研究は訪問看護師の糖尿病ケアの標準化に向けて、高齢者訪問看護における糖尿病ケアのクリティカルパス(CP)原案を開発するとともに、その適用可能性について検討することを目的とした。 CP原案は縦軸に「血糖値に関する問題の解決」、「薬物管理」、「血糖モニタリング」、「合併症のリスク管理」、「食事」、「身体活動」、「心理社会適応」の7つのケア領域、横軸にケアプロセスを設定した。訪問看護師42名にCP原案を試用してもらいアンケート調査を行った結果、「糖尿病急性合併症の予防の効果」、「必要とされる糖尿病ケアの実施」、「糖尿病ケアの評価への活用」について約70%の訪問看護師が有用であると評価した。一方、「看護記録の記録時間の短縮」11.9%、「ステーションでのCPの活用可能性」28.6%、「他職種との連携の促進」33.3%と評価が低かった。以上のことから、CP原案の試用により糖尿病ケアの有用性は示されたが、 CPの項目の精練化、アセスメントおよびケアの頻度、医療機関と訪問看護の役割の明確化の必要性が示唆された。
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