A case of perineal abscess due to urethral fistula in a patient with spinal cord injury

Autor: Iida, Shoichi, Iuchi, Hiromichi, Sasaki, Yutaka, Chujyo, Takashi, Nakata, Yasunobu, Saga, Yuji, Kaneko, Shigeo, Yachiku, Sunao
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: 泌尿器科紀要. 49(9):567-569
ISSN: 0018-1994
Popis: 39歳男性.患者は, 33歳時から左陰嚢の腫大と発熱を繰り返し, 近医で左精巣上体炎として抗生剤治療を受けていた.その後, 38度台の発熱, 左陰嚢からの排膿で著者らの施設へ受診となり, 陰嚢内膿瘍を疑い膿瘍切除術を施行したが, 膿瘍は精巣上体や尿道と離れており原因特定はできなかった.そして, さらに11ヵ月後, 再度39度台の発熱と左陰嚢から会陰部までの腫脹が生じたため患者は入院となったが, MRIでは膿瘍は精巣と尿道海綿体間にあり, 尿道海綿体との境界が不明瞭であった.そのため内視鏡検査を施行したところ, 球部尿道に経2mmの瘻孔を認め, 膀胱瘻を増設して膿瘍切除術を施行した.病理所見では結合組織内に炎症細胞が浸潤し, 肉芽と膠原線維が著明に増加していた.術後は順調に解熱し, 再感染も認めず治癒した
We report a case of perineal subcutaneous abscess due to urethral fistula in a patient with spinal cord injury. A 39-year-old male visited our hospital complaining of left scrotal swelling and fever. The left scrotum and perineal skin were swollen to the size of a goose egg, and pus was discharged from the perineal swollen bump. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suggested an urethral fistula with a large subcutaneous abscess. The abscess was resected with debridement of necrotic tissue, and a cystostomy was placed. Endoscopy revealed a fistula in the bulbar urethra. The characteristics of this rare entity are discussed.
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