Investigation on Wild Edible Plants and their Traditional Knowledge in Southern and Western Bhutan

Autor: TSHERING, Kinlay
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 信州大学農学部紀要. 47(1-2):41-68
ISSN: 0583-0621
Popis: 2005~2009年にブータン王国で実施してきた食用野生植物に関する調査に引き続き,2010年5月にブータン王国南部および西部の農村6か所および都市部の市場1か所等において調査を実施した。この結果,食用野生植物として42科86種の種子植物と3科8種のシダ植物を確認できた。聞き取り調査の結果,これら食用野生植物の中には健康効果および禁忌が信じられているものがあった。また,薬用植物についても様々な植物種が利用されていることが明らかになった。 To clarify the edible wild plant resources in Bhutan and to reevaluate traditional knowledge of their effect on human health, a survey was carried out in 6 farming villages and 1 urban market by researchers of Shinshu University and Ministry of Agriculture, Bhutan, in May 2010. A total of 86 edible wild plant species belonging to a total of 42 families of Magnoliophyta was determined. A total of 8 edible wild plant species belonging to a total of 3 families of Pteridophyta was also determined. Some of the wild edible plants are purported to be good for human health functionally and to be contraindicative for certain conditions. In the village of Sarpang prefecture,a total of 14 plants was determined as the medicinal plant. However most of them were not identified their species.
信州大学農学部紀要 47(1-2): 41-68(2011)
Databáze: OpenAIRE