Are consensus forecasts 'Good predictions' ? Verification by Quarterly real GDP Annual Growth Rate Forecast in Japan-

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: 経済貿易研究 : 研究所年報. (49):43-59
ISSN: 0386-5193
Popis: かねて“良い予測”と評価されているエコノミストの予測の平均または中央値である「コンセンサス予測」の精度を評価した。「ESPフォーキャスト集計」の四半期実質GDP年率成長率予測のパネルデータを用い、時系列でみたコンセンサス予測の予測誤差の特性、横断面、すなわち各時点の各フォーキャスターの予測の分布の特性を確認した。この結果、各時点の四半期実質GDP年率成長率予測値は、各フォーキャスターの予測のばらつき範囲に収まらないことが多く、予測平均は必ずしも最良の集約方法ではないことなどがわかった。一方、各フォーキャスターの予測のばらつきは景気後退期に大きくなる傾向があることも明らかになった。この特性を用いて、新しい予測モデルを構築したところ、コンセンサス予測の精度を高めることができた。
We assessed the predictive accuracy of a ʻconsensus forecast,ʼ which is the mean or median of those predictions of economists that have been rated better than others. First, using the quarterly annual GDP growth rate forecast panel data from the ESP Forecasts in Japan, we analyzed the characteristics of errors in consensus forecasts over time and those of the distribution of each forecaster's estimates at each point in time. As a result, we found that quarterly GDP annual growth rate predictions at each point in time often do not fall within the range of variability in each economistʼs forecasts, and that taking their average is not necessarily the best aggregation method. Conversely, it also became clear that the variability in each forecaster's predictions tends to increase during recessions. Using this characteristic, we constructed a new prediction model, and were able to improve the accuracy of consensus prediction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE