Investigation of economic effects in Bingo region induced by the school festival of Fukuyama City University

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 都市経営 : 福山市立大学都市経営学部紀要 = Urban Management : Bulletin of the Faculty of Urban Management, Fukuyama City University. 13:51-61
ISSN: 2186-862X
Popis: 本稿は,福山市立大学大学祭(港輝祭)が広島県福山市やその周辺地域である備後圏域にもたらす経済効果を検証した.分析に当たってはまず大学祭の経済活動としての実態を把握するために,大学祭当日にアンケート調査を行い,模擬店の売り上げや来客者数などの直接的な効果を把握した.次にアンケート結果をもとに備後圏域産業連関表を用いて周辺地域に及ぼす間接的な経済効果を推計した. 産業連関分析の特徴として,大学祭を事業活動という視点で捉えることで,産業連関モデルにおいて大学祭の効果を内生的に取り扱った.また,もし大学祭と同様のイベントを福山市以外の備後圏域で開催した場合の経済効果も検証した. 分析の結果,直接効果として,大学祭における約205万円の売り上げのほか,福山市内に約59万円の間接効果をもたらすことが判明した.さらに大学祭と同様のイベントを備後圏域の各自治体で開催した場合,備後圏域全体で発生させる生産誘発額が最も高いのは,岡山県笠岡市であり,福山市は最も低い反面,最も高い割合で自地域内に経済効果がとどまるという結果が得られた.
This paper investigates the economic effects in the Bingo region induced by the school festival of Fukuyama City University (Kohki-sai). Firstly, to identify the direct economic effects, a questionnaire was conducted at the festival by inquiring as to the amount of sales at each booth and the number of visitors. Secondly, based on the results of the questionnaire, we estimated the indirect effects generated in the peripheral area of Fukuyama City by using the interre-gional input-output table, which consists of eight municipalities in the Bingo region. In the input-output analysis, the festival activity is dealt endogenously and focused on commercial activity in the festival. Furthermore, we investigated the economic effects in the cases of similar festivals held in each municipality in the Bingo region. The results reveal that the direct effect of the festival was to generate 2.05 million yen of sales and 0.59 million yen as the indirect effect is generated in Fukuyama City. In the case of holding similar festivals in each municipality, Kasaoka City generates the largest total economic effect in the Bingo region. On the other hand, although the total effect gener-ated by Fukuyama City is the smallest, the effect remains intraregionally at the highest ratio.
Databáze: OpenAIRE