
Autor: Tadashi, Otani, Tanizaki Erika, Furukawa Noboru
Jazyk: japonština
Popis: わが国で飼育されている乳用緬羊の飼育頭数は少なく,その乳量と乳成分については詳しく知られていない。そこで,わが国で唯一北海道で飼育されている乳用緬羊フライスランド種の乳量とその成分を調査した。緬羊の泌乳量は少なかったが,乳脂肪,乳タンパク質及び無脂固形分含量は乳牛より著しく多かった。分後1ケ月時の1日最高乳量は2.5kgであり,1日平均では2.0kgであったが,分後2ケ月群では最高が1.7kgであり,平均1.4kgであった。乳脂肪率は,分後1ケ月時の朝乳で4.5%,夕乳で6.0%であり,2ケ月時では朝乳が5.8%で,夕乳が7.0%で,牛乳の約2倍の高脂肪率であった。また,2回搾乳における夕乳の乳量と乳脂肪率との間に1%水準で有意な負の相関(r=-0.544)が認められた。このように,乳用緬羊フライスランド種の乳成分は牛乳と比べて著しく高いことを確認した。
There are few heads of dairy sheep which are bred in Japan. Little information has been found on the yields and components of milk from dairy sheep. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate the milk quality and producibility of the Friesland sheep. The gross compositions and yields of milk from Friesland sheep were determined during the 2^ and 3^ month postpartum period at 7^ to 22-June, 2004. The milk yields of sheep were small compared to the cow, but ewe's milk contained the more concentrated constituents, such as fats, protein and nonfat solids, than that contents in cow's milk. The average milk yield was 2.0kg/day with the highest milk yield of 2.5kg/day during the 2^ month postpartum period and 1.4kg/day with the highest milk yield of 1.7kg/day during 3^ month postpartum period. The intervals between milking affected both fat contents as well as the yield of milk. Fat contents varied from the lowest value of 4.5% for the morning milk to the highest value of 6.0% for the evening milk during the 2^ month postpartum period. During the 3^ month postpartum period, fat contents varied from the lowest value of 5.8% for the morning milk to the highest value of 7.0% for the evening milk. The significant negative correlation (r=-0.544) was found between the yield of evening milk and the fat content by the twice milking procedure. In this way, milk ingredient of the friesland were confirmed to remarkably high in nutrients compared with cow's milk.
Databáze: OpenAIRE