Dry-matter production of a young Quercus phillyraeoides stand at Nantoh-cho, Mie

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 京都府立大学学術報告. 人間環境学・農学 = The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Human environment and agriculture. 58:51-59
ISSN: 1343-3954
Popis: 三重県南島町で若いウバメガシ林分の物質生産について調査した。試料木11本を伐倒し,層別刈取り法で測定した。単位面積当たりの諸量は相対成長関係式と標準地の毎木調査結果とから計算した。本調査林分は林齢約25年生(樹齢10~39年生),優勢木平均樹高4.9mであった。地上部現存量(幹枝95.O t/haと葉9.05 t/ha)は多くないが,地上部現存量密度は2.1 kg/m3という高木林を凌ぐ大きな値を示した。葉現存量(9.60t/ha,シダ0.55 t/haを含む)は他のウバメガシ林と差がなかった。積上げ法で推定した地上部純生産量は21.2t/ha/yrに達した。この値は日本の照葉樹林の平均値と同じである。葉の垂直分布は,最上層に葉現存量の58%を占める最多層があり,その直下層を含めた厚さ2m層に96%の葉が集中した。典型的な広葉草本型生産構造を示した。SLA(1g当たり葉面積)の小さい葉がつく2層に葉現存量が集中するため,林分のLAI(4.83;シダは0.91)は小さかった。しかし,このような単層群落にもかかわらず高い純生産を示したことは注目される。炭素量に換算すると現存量が59 t C/ha(生体53tC/ha,リター6 t C/ha),純生産量11 t C/ha/yrと見積もられた。
We quantified dry matter production in a young stand of Quercus phillyraeoides by destructively sampling the aboveground components of eleven trees and using the dry weight and weight growth rate of each component of each tree to develop relationships between DBH^2 and various tree components. These relationships were then applied to DBH data within a quadrat to quantify aboveground biomass and annual production rate for the stand. The weight growth rates of stem and branches were obtained from the bulk density and growth rates in volume measured by the stem analysis, that is, the measurement of the thinking growth between tree rings. The age of the sampled trees ranged from 10 to 39 yr with an arithmetic mean of 25 yr. Dominant tree height was 4.9 m. The aboveground biomass was relatively low at 104.1 t/ha. However, the aboveground biomass density (dry weight divided by the 3-D space occupied by the stand) was 2.1 kg/m3, which is higher than for mature stands of various tree species. Total leaf biomass for the stand (i.e., when understorey was included) was 9.60 t/ha, similar to leaf biomass values for mature Q. phillyraeoides stands. By summing the annual production rates of each component, we estimated the aboveground net production rate to be 21.2 t/ha/yr, which is typical for the lucidophyllous forests in Japan. Leaf biomass density of the stand was greatest in the top stratum (4.3-5.3 m aboveground) and 96% of the leaf biomass was concentrated in the top two strata (3.3-5.3 m). The leaf area index (LAI) value for the tree layer was low (4.83) because leaves were concentrated in the upper canopy in which had thick leaves or a low leaf area to dry weight ratio. Carbon storage was estimated at 59 t C/ha (53 t C/ha in live tissue, 6 t C/ha in litter) and carbon fixation at 11 t C/ha/yr.
Databáze: OpenAIRE