Faculty Expectations for Curriculum Coordinator Roles at Diploma Nursing Schools

Autor: Arai, Hiroko, Matsuda, Yasuhiro, Yamashita, Nobuko, Hattori, Mika
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要. 15:31-46
ISSN: 1881-0691
Popis: 目的:看護専門学校に所属する教員が教務主任に期待する役割を明らかにし,その特徴を考察することを通して,教務主任の役割遂行に向けた示唆を得る.方法:全国の看護専門学校に所属する教員632名を対象に,郵送法により質問紙を配布し,245名(回収率38.8%)から回答を得た.このうち,自由回答式質問に回答した241名の記述を,Berelson,B.の方法論を参考にした看護教育学における内容分析を用いて分析した.結果:【担当する授業の設計や展開の改善に必要な助言を行う】など47カテゴリが形成された.結論:教員が教務主任に期待する役割を表す47カテゴリが明らかになった.これらの内容は,《教員個々の状況に応じてファカルティ・ディベロップメントの機会を提供する》など9つの特徴を示した.本研究の成果は,教務主任が自身の役割を明確にすることを助け,それに基づき役割を遂行していくことを可能にする.
Objectives: This research aimed to clarify the expectations of faculty for curriculum coordinator roles at diploma nursing schools. By considering the expectations of the role, curriculum coordinators can obtain suggestions to better perform their duties.Methods: Questionnaires were distributed by post to 632 faculty members belonging to diploma nursing schools across Japan. A total of 245 responses were received (response rate: 38.8%). The 241 responses that contained responses to open-ended questions, were analyzed using content analysis for nursing education based on Berelson’s methodology.Results: A total of 47 categories were extracted, such as“ Provide advice necessary to improve the design and deployment of classes.”Conclusions: 47 categories expressing faculty expectations for curriculum coordinator roles were clarified. Additionally, this content showed nine types of characteristic traits, including“ Provide faculty development opportunities according to individual faculty.” The results of this research can help curriculum coordinators clarify their own roles and using this information will allow for the execution of the aforementioned roles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE