Nurse's difficulty and coping in caring for cancer patients and their families during chemotherapy : a survey at S University Hospital located within the community setting

Autor: Hamada, Tamami
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 看護総合科学研究会誌. 9(2):17-28
ISSN: 1344-381X
Popis: 本研究の目的は、一定の地域に位置づき、がん医療を提供する病院で化学療法を受けるがん患者・家族にケアを実践する看護師が、ケアする上でどのような困難を感じているか、またそれらに対しどのような対処をしているかを明らかにすることである。研究方法は、S大学病院(特定機能病院)の看護師31名に、半構成的質問紙を用いてデータを収集し、質的に分析した。結果として、看護師が困難と感じていた10項目を得た。その中で最も件数が多いのは、【化学療法に伴う症状への対応が不十分】であった。また、困難への対処では13項目を得た。最も件数が多いのは、【副作用対策のための工夫の実施】で、あった。看護師は患者・家族のQOL(生活の質)向上のため日々努力しているが、看護師の困難は今日の化学療法に特有の不確かな状況や患者のセルフケア能力を高めることを難しくする条件などから生じると考えられた。
The purpose of this study is to describe nurse's difficulty and coping in caring for cancer patients and their family during chemotherapy at a hospital (in-patient, out-patients) located within the cornmunity setting. The participants were thirty one nurses who care for in-patients and their family during chemotherapy for cancer. The data were collected through for the semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed inductively for the theme. As a result, nurse's difficulty identified as ten themes such as "inadequate to care for patients with symptoms reacting to chemotherapy for cancer", "difficulty of patient education for patients with cognitive deficit" and coping for them identified as thirteen themes such as "implementing devices for caring for cancer patients" "implementing orientation before chemotherapy for cancer". With recent advances in technology of cancer treatment developing, it is difficult for nurse to care for cancer patients and their family during current chemotherapy, and to deal with multiple problems for their situation or condition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE