
Jazyk: japonština
Popis: 【目的】総合看護実習(産業看護)における実習内容と学生の学びを評価し,今後の総合看護実習のあり方等を検討する。【方法】平成26年度総合看護実習(産業看護)を選択した看護学科4年次学生9名の「平成26年度総合看護実習(産業看護)評価表」から学生自己評価と教員評価の平均点と標準偏差を,「総合看護実習からの学び」のレポートより実習の学びを抽出した。【結果】⑴学生自己評価と教員評価の15評価項目の平均点は,すべて4.0点以上であった。学生自己評価と教員評価の上位は「11.対象者の安全・安楽に配慮しながら看護ケアを実施できた」であった。下位は「8.抽出した問題の優先順位を決めることができた」であった。⑵実習最終レポート「労働衛生の5管理」に関する学びでは,職場巡視や健康相談,健康教育,健診結果分析等,学生がした実習内容や職員と関わる実習内容は印象に残っていた。【結論】集団から個人・個人から集団への健康支援,組織の健康支援方針,作業環境や作業による健康への影響などから,学生が健康問題を抽出し,優先順位を定めることができるように,教員は学生の到達度を見極め,日々のカンファレンスで確認することが必要である。さらに,学生が産業保健活動に必要な実践能力を獲得するため,実習内容を具体化し,教員は実習指導者と連携しながら学生をサポートする必要がある。
This research rates the content of comprehensive nursing practicum (Occupational health nursing) and the quality of the students' learning. The research also examines how occupational health nursing practicum should be in the future. We extracted the average and the standard deviation value of the students' self-evaluation and teacher evaluation, as well as the learning experience of the practicum from the “What was Learned from Comprehensive Nursing Practicum” report in 2014. The students were 9 fourth year nursing-major students, who selected to receive occupational nursing practicum. (1) The average point of the student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation were over 4.0 points in all the 15 rating sections. The highest rank in the student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation was the section “11. Was able to practice nursing care while being able to care for the target person's safety and comfort”. The lowest rank was “8. Was able to prioritize the extracted problems”. (2) According to the findings in the final practicum report “5 Maintenances in Occupational Health”, the content of training done by students or training that employees were involved in, such as inspecting tour in the work site, health education and analyzing health inspection results left an impression. In conclusion, teachers need to be able to assess and confirm through daily conferences the complishments of students so that students can learn to extract and prioritize health problems that are presented in situations such as mass-to-individual and individual-to-mass health support, health support policies of organizations, and the influence that working and work environments have on health. Moreover, the training content needs to be consolidated and teachers need to work with instructors to support the students so that students can gain practical skills needed for working in occupational health nursing activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE