Current Employment Status of Registered Dietitians or Dietitians Working in Subcontracted Food Service Companies — Study Based on Interviews with Former Students of a Registered Dietitian Training Institution

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 天使大学紀要 = Bulletin of Tenshi College. 19(1):19-33
Popis: 医療・福祉施設の給食管理業務における外部委託率は年々上昇し続けているが、給食会社の人材不足は深刻であり、栄養士職の早期退職者が多いことも報告されている。本研究では、給食会社に勤務する栄養士職の労働実態を把握し、課題を明らかにすることを目的とする。対象は北海道札幌市の管理栄養士養成大学を2004 年以降卒業し、給食会社に就職した管理栄養士16 名である。配属施設ごとの職場環境について半構造化面接を行い、インタビュー内容を質的帰納的に分析した。結果は、職場環境の問題点として、第一に短期間の配属先異動により業務の習得がしにくいこと、第二に給食会社の変更が業務全般に大きな影響を及ぼすこと、第三に会社のサポートが得られにくい環境に置かれていることなどが明らかになった。栄養士職の多岐にわたる給食経営管理業務を整理するために、さらなる調査の必要性が示唆された。
The outsourcing rates of food services in hospitals and nursing homes are increasing every year. However, many food service companies are facing a shortage of workers. Previous research reports that there were many early retirees of registered dietitian and dietitian. This study aims to assess the current employment status of registered dietitians or dietitians working in subcontracted food service companies. Accordingly, in this study, data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 16 registered dietitians who had studied at a training institution after 2004 and obtained employment at subcontracted food service companies. The results revealed the following workplace environment problems: First, it is difficult to learn the work and master the business due to the occurrence of many short-term transfers. Second, due to the shortage of workers, contracts with new facilities, such as hospitals and nursing homes, increase the workload of registered dietitians. Finally, third, only limited support is extended by the boss and co-workers in the workplace. Further research is required to clarify unresolved issues and organize the diversified food service management tasks of registered dietitians.
Databáze: OpenAIRE