Economic analysis for wood biomass power plants in rural areas using an extended regional input–output table

Autor: Satoshi, Akao, Takanobu, Katsumi
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 同志社大学ハリス理化学研究報告 = The Harris science review of Doshisha University. 58(4):175-186
ISSN: 2189-5937
Popis: 小地域産業連関表は,その地域の産業構造を反映でき,粗付加価値の生じ方においても地域的な差異を表現できる.人口減少問題を抱える地方自治体では,地域として効率的な経済効果が見込める施策を実施する必要があり,同表を用いた経済効果分析は有効と考えられる.しかし,小地域産業連関表は一部の地域を除き整備されておらず,推計方法においてもケースバイケースの対応が必要など課題がある.本研究は,事例として鳥取県日南町の産業連関表を推計し,同表に基づいて地域経済状況を俯瞰し,小地域産業連関表を用いる利点を示した.また,シナリオ解析として,日南町内に木質バイオマス利用事業を発生させた場合の産業連関表も構築し,経済効果を推計した.両表の比較から,500 kWの発電能力を有する熱電併給事業運営を見積もると,域内の生産額は約361百万円,粗付加価値の合計は約143百万円増加する推計となった.
An input–output table for a small region contains characteristics of the region and economy. A regional input–output table would be a useful tool to assess the economic effects of local government policies on rural areas when there are severe economic conditions and a declining population. However, regional input–output tables have not been readily available, and the procedures to compile preliminary tables have some remaining challenges. To share the benefits of using input–output tables in small regions, we compiled an input–output table for Nichinan Town, Tottori Prefecture. Issues in the economic structure of Nichinan Town were discussed using the completed table. The economic analysis scenario assumed the operation of a wood biomass combined heat and power plant (CHP plant; electricity generating capacity, 500 kW), and its economic impact was estimated. The input–output table was then modified to include the effects of the CHP plant, and the two tables were compared to clarify the economic differences. Introducing a CHP plant resulted in a 361-million-yen increase in local gross product and a 143-million-yen increase in gross value added.
Databáze: OpenAIRE