Population genetic structure, phylogenetic classification and individual identification in pet animals and useful vertebrate animals on the basis of DNA or chromosome analyses

Autor: Masaru, Murakami, Hideo, Fukuoka, Katsutoshi, Arai
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: 麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University. :210-214
ISSN: 1346-5880
Popis: 微量組織からの個体識別の可能性を探るため,被毛からのDNAを解析した。イヌではmtDNAのD-loop超可変領域を中心とした714bpの塩基配列変異に基づいて,21犬種149頭を26のハプロタイプに分類できた。小型犬に特徴的なハプロタイプはみられたが,品種特異的な塩基配列は確認できなかった。ネコでは,mtDNAのD-loop高変異領域の塩基配列(442bp)変異に基づいて,135個体のネコを47のハプロタイプに分類できた。heteroplasmyも見られ,本研究で解析したネコのmtDNAのD-loop領域は,比較的多様性に富んでおり,ネコの個体識別をする上で有用であることが分かった。本邦固有種で,有用資源であるシシャモの遺伝的集団構造を調べた。シシャモmtDNAの一部について塩基配列を決定し(5859bp),D-loop可変領域に新規のプライマーを設定した。この領域の塩基配列(約1kbp)変異に基づき,遊楽部川,鵡川,十勝川,釧路川,北海道太平洋沿岸苫小牧沖の5地域由来のシシャモ108個体を21のHTに分類した。各集団間のハプロタイプの出現頻度に有意差は認められず,遺伝的距離も極めて小さかった。これらのことから,北海道のシシャモ集団が遺伝的に均一である可能性が示唆された。ネパールに生息し,食用肉の生産に適するヤギのKhari種の系統関係を明らかにするため,ネパール国内6カ所からの計27個体について,D-loopの一部の塩基配列(453bp)を調べた。見つかった17種類のHTは,系統樹から大きく3つのクラスターに分類され,Khari種には大きく3つの母系起源があることが推察された。明確な地域特異性は得られなかった。キンギョを含むフナ属特異的およびコイ特異的DNAを増幅するPCR法を開発した。この技術をコイとキンギョの生殖キメラ個体のDNAによる識別に応用した。
Several independent studies were carried out: 1. Individual identification of cats and dogs using hair by mitochondrial D-loop analyses. 2. Genetic population structure of the smelt (Spirinchus lanceolatus), a useful fish indigenous to Japan, on the basis of mitochondrial D-loop sequence variations. 3. Phylogenetic relationshiops within the Khari breed of the goat in Nepal by partial mitochondrial D-loop sequencing. 4. Development of species-specific PCR techniques for the detection of carp and goldfish DNA. 1. Highly variable mitochondrial regions from hairs in cats and dogs were examined to ascertain the possibility of their use in forensic identification. In dogs, 26 haplotypes based on 714bp sequence were found from 149 samples representing 21 breeds. The haplotype diversity could not be partitioned according to breeds, whereas some haplotypes were characteristic to small-sized dogs. In cats, 442bp of the D-loop were sequenced for 135 individuals, yielding 47 haplotypes. Most of cat specimens showed high levels of length heteroplasmy. In addition, some individuals exhibited site heteroplasmy. The polymorphisms of the D-loop region examined especially in cats were considered to be highly useful for individual identification. 2. We analyzed the genetic variation in 924bp of mitochondrial D-loop among 108 specimens of the smelt collected from 4 rivers and sea in Hokkaido. Twenty-one haplotypes were detected. Genetic distances among these haplotypes were very low. No significant genetic differentiation was observed among 5 poplation samples, suggesting the high genetic similarities of the smelt populations. 3. In order to help elucidate the relationships within the useful Khari breed of the goat in Nepal, a region of 453bp of the mitochondrial D-loop was analyzed. The sequencing of this segment from 27 specimens yielded 17 haplotypes at 58 polymorphic sites. These haplotypes were mainly divided into 3 clusters in the phylogenetic tree, suggesting the existence of at least 3 maternal lineages of the Khari breed. No significant geographic differentiation of the Khari breed was observed at six different localities in Nepal. 4. Each primer set for carp- and goldfish-specific repetitive DNA sequences was designed to differentiate from these species at DNA level. The PCR techniques using these primer sets successfully identified DNA sequences specific to carp and goldfish, respectively. These techniques were applied to identify the source of the sperm from a germ-line chimeric fish (carp-goldfish).
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